
vendredi 17 mai 2024

Interview SoundScars

In this interview, we explore SoundScars' debut album "Legacies," discussing the project's diverse themes, creative collaborations, and the unique blend of musical influences that shape their sound.

1. Can you delve into the concept of "SoundScars" and how it reflects in your music?

In my opinion, music is the manifestation of the most pure and deep feelings of the musician... In good od bad ways... And the music also has the power to change the listeners, modifying their way of life sometimes. When you bring your truth to your music, you have a great chance of having a deeper impact on those who listen. That´s what I´m trying to do.

2. "Legacies" seems to be a central theme in your debut album. Could you elaborate on what inspired you to explore this concept?

Today the world is quite weird. Actually humanity is... War everywhere... Climatic problems, pandemic, denialism... All of this made me think: what will we leave for the next generations? What will be our legacies? In this scenario, Ashes to Ashes and Sunrise are directly related to the Amazonian destruction and pandemic legacies, respectively... But what are the other legacies that influence our lives everyday? As a consequence, I threw myself into ancient civilizations, and into the mind of serial killer and schizophrenia patient, also focusing in the genetic inheritage.

3. How did the collaboration with various vocalists shape the sound and feel of "Legacies"?

Since the first moment, I decided that SoundScars would be a project with no  fixed formation due to I´m interested in find the voice that best matches the proposal of each song. And this crazy journey was delicious! I was very Lucky because I found five incredible singers that became friends. I´m very satisfied with the final result, I think we managed to get the best out of each of them. The sweat voices of Gabby and Lorena contrast with the powerful and strong voices of Leandro, Anna and Vinicius, resulting in a very diverse álbum, exactly as I wanted.

4. Can you walk us through the process of creating the eight songs on the album and how each one contributes to the overall narrative?

Excellent question. At first moment, the people probably will think in each song individually; each song is telling a completely isolated story. But if you listen to the whole album, song after song, in our proposed order, the ambiences and timbres will catch you, taking you to an ethereal place. It makes you think about not even the legacies described, but also many other possibilities, exactly as I wanted. Legacies is very homogeneous album in relation to how it sounds... The mix is amazing...

5. As the guitarist, composer, and creator of SoundScars, how do you balance your vision with the input of collaborators like Celo Oliveira and the invited musicians?

Another excellent question. Each guest that I invited brought something to our sound. Each singer interpreted my melodies and lyrics in their own way. Sometimes small modifications were made... In all times, to make the songs even better. My friend Wallace Oliveira created two fuckin crazy solos for Delicious Addiction and Regression No Regret songs. These solo took the songs to another dimension... And what can I say about Celo Oliveira? He is my brother, a real genius. He played all other instruments, helped me in the arrangements... And He was perfect in the mixing and mastering processes. For sure, without Celo this work this work would not become what it became. Thank you so much guys!

6. Your influences range from classic heavy metal to Brazilian popular music. How do you blend these diverse elements into a cohesive sound?

Yes, I have different references in almost all music styles. And I didn't want an album that sounded as just another traditional metal album... I wanted to surprise people with every compass. Of course, many bands in symphonic, prog or power metal among other styles, mix elements from classical or folk music. I always love this kind of thing! I tried to put my fingerprint, bringing something new especially from brazilian music. Absolutely all incorporated elements can be heard. There is some songs with almost 60 tracks including orchestra,  percussion, etc. I hope you enjoy.

7. In "Legacies," you touch upon a wide array of themes, from genetic inheritance to the impact of ancient civilizations. How do these themes resonate with you personally?

I´m PhD in cell biology, believe or not! I have a job as biology researcher in a huge research center here in Brazil. Genetics is basically my daily life. But I really curious and I like to study different things like more about old civilizations, would be the gods astronauts? I thought that it is a theme that poorly appears in metal songs. I tried to develop different subjects not to write more of the same... Sunrise was wrote in critical moment of pandemic, when almost everyone loss our hope. I think I must write something to never forget what we are passing through. On the other hand, Legendary Tales is a tribute to brazilian fairy tales that my grandmother usually read for me when I was a child. Yes, all songs are a kind of scars, marking my life in different ways.

8. Could you share any memorable moments or challenges you encountered during the recording process of "Legacies"?

As an independent artist, there are too many challenges everyday. I think one of the main challenges was dividing myself between my job as a biology researcher and recording the album. It was a week sessions during 10 months! It was hard but it was an opportunity to learn many things about the process with my friend, the legend Celo Oliveira. Guys, this man is out of the world! There are many memorable moments, but I will highlight one, during Legendary Tales recording. We needed a percussion to compose the ambience during the original people dance, and nothing was fitting well. During a holliday in Atacama desert, I found in a souvenir store, my perfect solution! A typical rattle of that Chile area! Of course I bought two or three with different timbres, and the result you can check it out in the song.

9. As a musician with a diverse range of influences, how do you see the role of SoundScars within the broader music landscape?

It´s so crazy, man! It is kind of a dream that is becoming true. I´m showing “my scars”, and many people are liking! SoundScars is showing a little bit more about the brazilian music and culture, and how we can mix it with heavy metal. I hope to spread good things, talking about new topics, always bringing innovations such as different combinations, instruments whatever.

10. Looking ahead, what can fans expect from SoundScars in terms of future projects or endeavors?

I think fans can expect more surprises. Definitely, I´m not bound by any rules nor segment. The next album is being composed right now. It will be a heavy metal album, for sure, always. But once again, I will bring some subjects and elements that make difference from many other tradicional heavy metal albums released every year.

11. Lastly, how do you hope listeners will connect with and interpret the themes presented in "Legacies"?

Following the concept SoundScars: I hope people after listening will no longer be the same; it makes sense for the people, creating a soul scar (another good name for a band!). If musicians listen and like it, I also hope that Legacies become a musical scars of this guy, influencing his compositions somehow as my scars named Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, Nightwish among many others did with me.

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