
mardi 14 mai 2024

Interview Hell in the Skies

Discover the origins of Hell in the Skies and their unique Swamp Metal sound. Explore their latest EP 'II' and the band's influences, live performances, collaborations, and future aspirations.

1. Can you tell us about the origins of Hell in the Skies? How did the band come together, and what inspired the creation of your unique Swamp Metal sound?

Hell in the Skies was founded in 2017 as a small project by Solas and Asmoday. Over time, enough songs were created to record an album and Garmr came in to play bass. In order to be able to realize a dynamic live performance, a drummer and another guitarist were still missing. These parts were ultimately taken over by Baal and Baka and the band was complete. The swamp metal sound was not a concept that was pursued. It emerged from the band's individual influences and thus found its unique style.

2. Your latest EP, "II," is set to release soon. What can listeners expect from this new collection of songs, and how does it compare to your previous work?

Solas: In any case, you can expect a real HITS album! Our sound has gotten better thanks to more focus on mix and master. Otherwise, we remain true to ourselves and once again created a proper swamp monster for our listeners.

3. The themes in your music seem to draw from a wide range of sources, from mythology to the depths of human psychology. What influences your songwriting process, both lyrically and musically?

Baka: For me personally, influences only arise unconsciously. When I write new songs, I don't pay attention to specific directions. It always starts with a riff, which then expands into a song until the end. When Asmoday's lyrics are added, I take inspiration from them and use them to write additional melodies and solos.

Asmoday: Lyrically I'm often inspired by life itself or the experience of emotions but also by books and movies.

4. Your live performances are often praised for their authenticity and intensity. How do you approach translating your studio recordings into compelling live experiences, and what do you hope audiences take away from your shows?

Baka: We basically write our songs so that they can be broadcast live one-to-one to create a certain authenticity. In every song you will hear everything that you can find on the record live. This creates good interaction for us and gives people a good show. We´re happy when people in front of the stage can just completely surrender to the music for an hour and forget about everyday life.

5. Swamp Metal is a distinctive genre that combines elements of classic Metal, Stoner, and Doom. How do you navigate blending these influences while maintaining your own unique sound?

Baka: As I said, our sound arises unconsciously from the influences of each individual. It's just the way we interact. We have certain bands that we love in equal measure, like Black Sabbath. Things like that automatically flow into the music.

6. Collaborations and partnerships seem to be an important aspect of your artistic vision. Can you share any insights into the collaborative process within the band, as well as any potential future collaborations you're excited about?

Solas: How often is it that one person can change everything? The right contact, a good relationship with the right circle and, ideally, in such a way that everyone benefits from it. I think the network and supporters in all areas can never be big enough. We still need a good booking managment, or the right 1-2 bands with whom we could do smaller tours. Yes, something like that would be just right.

7. Your music has been described as both hypnotic and organically intense. How do you achieve this balance between entrancing melodies and raw energy in your compositions?

Baka: Depending on the riff, Baal plays his drums in a very focused and selective way. This makes it possible to develop a hard dynamic sound. Garmr (bass) creates the bridge between the hard riffs and the melodies played in a minor key. I personally have a penchant for melancholic passages and like to explore them with passion. The ending melody of “Vicious Scorn” serves as an example.

Asmoday: When we write a new song, we try to create a certain mood depending on the theme.
I change my vocal tone depending on the dynamics.
During calm passages, I will tell you a story (mostly with a clean voice) and during the peaks of the song, I will scream my heart and soul out.

8. The imagery associated with Hell in the Skies, from your band name to your album artwork, evokes a sense of darkness and mystery. What role does visual aesthetic play in conveying the themes of your music?

Baka: I think everyone has a certain idea of ​​what it might look like visually when they write the songs. We are all film lovers and classify our feelings and emotions that come from the music. When it comes to creating everything visually, it is done very democratically and everything that can be seen of us also reflects our inner being.

9. As a band, you've shared the stage with a variety of established acts. How has this exposure influenced your approach to music-making and performance, and what have been some memorable moments from these experiences?

Asmoday: For my part, I can say that I always take away a piece of experience. Whether it's during my own performance or while observing other musicians, you pick up a few tricks here and there as well. My biggest success so far was playing with Sepultura, because they are like the heroes of my youth.

Solas: Oh man, I don‘t think it really influences us that much. The five of us are all such distinct and clear characters that we don‘t do a lot of watching or reinventing ourselves based on fresh encounters. Everyone has their own style and I don‘t think it changes much anymore. I think what really sets us apart is that we don‘t try to join in with anyone else, but rather we clearly follow our own path. And of course all backstage stories are secret! Sorry, hahaha.
10. Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the future of Hell in the Skies? Are there any upcoming projects or goals you're particularly excited about pursuing?

Our future goals are to promote our new album and do some gigs. In the meantime we are writing new songs and preparing for the third album at some point.

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