The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Nyki Lindsay King, son of reggae legend Eric George Lindsay, reflects on his musical journey, faith, and the urgent themes behind his latest single "Running out of Time."

1. Your musical journey began at a very young age. How did your father, Eric George Lindsay, influence your path as an artist?
My father started his musical journey in Jamaica at Studio One as an Old Skool Reggae artist recording Rasta Nah Run, a single that is a classic today.

He paved a way for me and my brothers: buying musical instruments for us and booking our recording sessions. We then would perform as THE KINGS BROTHERS. I lost my father this past June. He taught me everything, including how to be a man with a soul for Jesus. 

2. "Running out of Time" addresses real-world issues. Can you share more about the inspiration behind the song's themes and what message you hope listeners will take away from it?
The message is simple. The world hasn’t been going in the right direction for a long time. There are many wicked-minded individuals and forces at work doing heinous crimes and trying to strip us of our rights. I would like my message to be able to humble all tainted hearts to repent. My God is a loving God who forgives.

3. You draw inspiration from a range of legendary artists like Eddie Vedder, Kurt Cobain, and Chester Bennington. How do their influences shape your unique blend of Funk, Soul, R&B, and Reggae?
I'm a versatile artist with no restrictions in my writing ability. I crafted my skills and focused more on alternative Rock by loving the work of Eddie Vedder, Kurt and Chester. I found I express myself best through compositions in the Rock genre.

4. You’ve performed at some iconic venues like Hard Rock Cafe and Club Soda. Can you tell us about a particularly memorable show that had a lasting impact on you?
All of these shows share different memories. Kola Note, now Theatre Fairmount, with a stage like an island and 600 screaming fans... or Club Soda with 1000 and signing autographs after my performance... it was really something.

5. Your personal story is one of overcoming great challenges, including a battle with addiction. How has this journey influenced your songwriting and music?
It's a combination of things. God is at the forefront of anything and everything I do. A big part of my discipline is, hands down, my Father for never giving up on me and showing me if you work really hard, anything is possible.

6. The title of your single "Running out of Time" suggests a sense of urgency. What specific world events or societal issues inspired you to write this track?
Where do I start ? There is a need to stand up for freedom rights like freedom of speech; and to call out corrupted influencers, dictators and world leaders who support their own agenda. There is a shift that is going on and the time to be aware is running out.

7. How was the recording process for "Running out of Time" in Montreal with engineer Bobby John? What was it like directing every aspect of the production?
The recording process is always a good time with Bobby. We share great laughs but when it's time to work it's show time.
It's been years I've been recording music this way: Write a riff, have melodies in my head, jot them out and eventually create the song and all the fill-in notes. 

8. With your experience spanning over three decades, how do you feel the music industry has evolved, especially for solo artists like yourself?
I will speak for myself. You seriously have to dig deep and even deeper. It's not like the 80s where real talent was evident, so many untalented artists have a career for other reasons.
These days you have to carry yourself. Nobody's going to carry you.

9. You mention that many people today are "following the crowd" rather than following Jesus Christ. How does your faith influence your music and its themes?
I believe we are all one as a whole, however I think the majority of people are tied to a world with lifestyles that include too much entertainment (cell phone use, tv, movies, sporting events, etc), and they forget the real meaning of purpose. Anything we overdo isn't good for us (love would be the only exception). 

10. Looking back at your career, from your beginnings in Montreal to where you are now, what are the most significant lessons you’ve learned as both an artist and a person?
I've learned that no matter what low points I've had throughout my life, God's always had my back. I've also learned that sometimes less is more and I'd rather be surrounded by few great people than by many who are fake.

11. You’ve played a mix of genres throughout your career. How do you approach blending such diverse sounds in your music, and how do you think it resonates with your audience?
I think all the genres help keep my style hip and true to me. It's evident the music I create is like no other. I have many influences but I don't really want to be compared to any other artist.

12. What’s next for you after the release of "Running out of Time"? Are there any future projects or performances that fans can look forward to?
I'm actually looking forward to taking this full throttle. I have a good portion of the songs already recorded. DHARMACHAKRA is the name of the album.
Thank you for having me and God bless you. 


NYKI LINDSAY KING – A soulful rock songwriter & singer (

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