The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Admire the Grim is set to unleash their debut album Resist. Jani and Katri discuss its powerful themes of resistance, change, and the creative journey behind it.

1. Congratulations on the upcoming release of your debut album Resist! Can you tell us more about the overall theme and inspiration behind the album?

Thank you! We just made some riffs! Just kidding, we wanted to make a more aggressive sounding record and our aim was to write an album full of catchy melodies. During the writing process Jani wanted to challenge himself, everyone and everything we’ve got. Lyrically the album is all about themes of resistance and change. 

2. Your first single "Crescent Moon" is now out, and you’ve mentioned it’s about accepting change. How does this theme resonate with the band, and what inspired the lyrics?

Katri likes to write about themes like change and resistance and she also likes metaphorical lyrics. ‘Crescent Moon’ describes an inner journey of a person who’s lost everything, but finally finds the fire to start changing their life for the better. 

3. You’ve had the chance to perform "Crescent Moon" live before recording it. How did playing it in front of an audience influence the final version of the song?

The first demo of the song was quite fast. Also the first time we played this song live our drummer Tommi didn’t use a click track at all, which meant that the tempo was really fucking fast by the end of the song. Eventually we decided to try to focus on groove rather than speed and now we are very happy with how it turned out. In the end ‘Crescent Moon’ turned out to be a groovy piece without losing its punch-in-the-face feeling.

4. The album features a mix of familiar Admire the Grim elements along with acoustic surprises. How did you decide to blend heavy melodic death metal with acoustic touches on Resist?

Many of us like the Gothenburg melodic death metal sound and many of those albums from the 90’s include acoustic tunes as well. The inspiration to include an acoustic song comes from that music genre and era, but we also wanted the album to have an acoustic medley song that is exceptional compared to other material.

5. You worked on Resist for two years. What was the writing and recording process like, and how did the band evolve during this time?

Jani wrote all the demos and we recorded them at home with all of us. After that we rehearsed the songs at our rehearsal place as a band and perfected the songs during pre-production. We feel like we developed our sound to the direction that we aimed for.

6. Antti ‘Hyrde’ Hyyrynen of Stam1na makes a guest appearance on the title track "Resist." What was it like working with him, and what does his contribution bring to the song?

Our local dude Antti is obviously a professional vocalist and musician who is very easy to work with. He gave us more ideas to lead vocals than we expected and it worked out really well. His sound brings much more variation to ‘Resist’ vocal lines.

7. You’ve toured extensively in Finland and even performed abroad. How have these live performances shaped the band’s sound and chemistry, especially leading into this debut album?

We have had the chance to play as a band quite a lot and we feel like we have learned to play more dynamically together. The actual writing process of this album was quite separate from the gigs since we took 6 months to only prepare the pre-production and didn’t do any gigs during that time. 

8. Your 2022 Rogue Five EP received great feedback. How did the success of that EP impact the direction and expectations for Resist?

We wanted to improve and unify our sound and we rehearsed our asses off to make sure that the playing quality was going to be better on ’Resist’ than it was on ‘Rogue Five’. There’s still room to improve, but we are happy with the results. 

9. The album cover art and single covers were designed by Anssi Kuivalainen, with edits by vocalist Katri Snellman. How important is the visual aspect of your music, and how does it complement your sound?

Actually Anssi didn’t know anything about the song material when he started to draw the cover art. We had an idea and a color theme ready for the cover and the rest is Anssi’s creation. We want to mention that our friend Anssi is an exceptionally talented artist and he captured this menacing feeling on the cover. He also makes the best home-made pizza in town! Cheers!

10. As a band formed in 2021, what challenges did you face starting a project during such uncertain times, and how did those experiences shape the music on Resist?

In the beginning of 2021 we mostly wrote demos and had parties as we didn’t yet have a rehearsal place yet. Wiser from the ‘Rogue Five’ -EP times, we shared more our own opinions about ‘Resist’ demo songs with each other and paid a lot more attention to detail on every song. 

11. What can fans expect from your album debut gig at Nuijamies in Lappeenranta? Any special surprises or moments planned for the hometown crowd?

It’s gonna be an energetic show with all the new songs on the setlist! It’s cool to have the album release party in our hometown Lappeenranta in the legendary venue of Nuijamies - a former movie theater with a big stage. There are going to be two other bands as special guests who open the night before us.

12. After the release of Resist, what are your plans for the future? Are there any upcoming tours, festivals, or collaborations we should be excited about?

We want to do as many gigs as possible after the album release. Later next year we’re going to start preparing our second album that we already have ideas for. See you at our upcoming gigs!

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