The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Goia Paranoia, a 2024 Gothenburg-based band, blends doom, psychedelia, and dark energy in their debut album Pandemonium Overdrive, challenging conventions with raw intensity.

1. Goia Paranoia was founded in 2024 in Gothenburg—what inspired the creation of the band, and how did you all come together?
Starting from humble beginnings, as soon as we all met, we quickly bonded over a mutual curiosity for the heavier side of life. This in turn eventually led to what is now known as the Goia Paranoia project.

2. Your debut single "Black Out" has a dark, intense energy. Can you tell us more about the themes behind that track and what inspired its sound?
 Waking up conscious, not concious of what happened yesterday, is a theme that has touched so many of us. Stemming from that theme we simply tried composing, as well as conveying, an atmosphere equivalent to that anxious, gnarly feeling.

3. Following "Black Out," you've released "Scumbag Tone" and "Sadistic Cravings." How do these singles fit into the larger narrative of your debut album "Pandemonium Overdrive"?
The reason why these two songs became the first two singles are because they each explore two of many different musical dimensions that we currently are interested in exploring, which will be expanded later in its entirety throughout the album.

4. Your music has been described as having a "doom-laden, psychedelic barrage." How do you incorporate these elements into your songwriting process?
There’s not a lot of thought put in to it when it comes to the musical side of it, to be honest. However, we feel there’s not a lot of thought that has to be done. Usually we meet up and play the music we feel like playing and that’s about it.

5. The album title "Pandemonium Overdrive" suggests chaos and intensity. What does the title mean to you, and how does it reflect the mood or message of the album?
The album title sounded nauseously exciting to us as soon as we had it plotted down. To us, the two words together encapsulates the overall essence of the album's eight songs, at least from our way of looking at it.

6. You explore alternative worlds and extreme states of mind in your music. Can you tell us about the conceptual or lyrical inspiration behind this approach?
We all have a different perspective to life, hence we all view the world in our own alternative ways. This is the foundational inspiration behind our approach that we try to convey through eight different narratives, both in terms of the lyrical, as well as the musical side to it.

7. Goia Paranoia has been praised for appealing to a wide range of fans, from metalheads and goths to stoners and industrial lovers. How do you balance these diverse influences in your sound?
We tend to not think from a genre based perspective but rather from what suits our moods at the time. That being said we definitely gather inspiration from a wide range of musical scenes and have no interest in disregarding any of them.

8. "Pandemonium Overdrive" seems to challenge the status quo. What aspects of society or culture do you aim to confront with your music?
The ones that refuses to change!

9. How does the Gothenburg music scene influence your sound? Are there any local bands or artists that have shaped your music or attitude?
Both the old and the contemporary Gothenburg sound has surely had an influencial impact on our ways of searching for our own. As it turns out though, none of us are actually originally from Gothenburg, and we believe that influences from many different parts of the world together have shaped our current musical attitude.

10. Your live shows must be intense, given the energy of your music. What can fans expect from a Goia Paranoia performance?
Well it might not be clean as a whistle, nevertheless, you can always expect us to deliver our most raw, authentic and frantic selves. If you’d fancy a proper neck workout, our show is the perfect getaway for ya!

11. The name Goia Paranoia has a unique ring to it. How did you come up with it, and what significance does it hold for you?
That’s a very fuzzy, cloudy, foggy brain ride for us as we try to remember (classic case of a black out!). All of a sudden, it was just there: Goia Paranoia! And it just felt right. We had it as a suggestion for quite a while and by time it just kind of molded itself into our name.

12. What’s next for Goia Paranoia after the release of "Pandemonium Overdrive"? Are there plans for touring, more music videos, or other projects in the works?
Time will tell! We’ll continue to spread our message and playing our live shows. We have some things in the works and are open to most suggestions. We’re currently in the process of steering towards the next direction for the Goia Paranoia project, and at the time we don’t even know what that will look like completely.
It’s up to the future to reveal!


Goia Paranoia (@goiaparanoia) • Photos et vidéos Instagram

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