The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

In this interview, legendary Italian death metal band Corpsefucking Art discusses their latest album Tomatized, blending grotesque humor, cinematic horror, and unhinged brutality.

1. It's been six years since your last album Splatterphobia. How did you approach the creation of Tomatized, and what inspired the concept behind this album?
Hi, like all our albums, we waited for the ideas to fall into our heads. The album Tomatized is a natural continuation of the previous album, an expression that continues the amazing adventures of Mr. Daisy. The fundamental inspiration is everyday life, building our stories in a cinematic context soaked in many quotes from the world of art in general.

2. The album title Tomatized and the recurring theme of tomatoes throughout the record is both intriguing and unusual. Can you tell us more about how the idea of "tomato madness" came to life and what it represents in the context of the album?

Tomatoes are the beating heart of our sixth full length album, they are always present in Mr. Daisy's recurring nightmares, his dreamlike delusions are set in this strange city called Alpha City, where giant and cyclopean tomatoes dominate our planet. I can't tell you what part of my brain these tomatoes come from, I only know that it's fun to create stories around these funny vegetables. What do they represent? Fully our idea of ​​representing a disturbed mind. The mind of a psychopath who can't distinguish dreams from reality. The tomato, in this case tomato sauce, represents the blood that Mr. Daisy would like to make flow to his victims, but it's all fake, it's the script of an absurd and surreal movie.

3. Corpsefucking Art is known for its blend of death metal and grotesque humor. How do you balance these elements to create music that is both brutal and entertaining?

Nothing easier, no rules to create a good album that has these two components. I have never asked myself in what percentage I have calibrated the two aspects of our music, it is a natural path, now we have our own language, a trademark that distinguishes our art.

4. Tracks like "Hell Of The Living Dead" and "The Book Of The Dead" have a cinematic quality to them. Were there any particular horror films or stories that influenced the writing of these songs?

The two tracks in question are inspired by two movies respectively. The first is Virus, a movie by Bruni Matteri from 1980, the second Evil Dead, a famous movie from 1981 by Sam Raimi. Both have inspired me to build the story of this concept album. In general, each song of Tomatized, takes inspiration from a movie, which is remodeled to create a unique and original story.

5. The production on Tomatized is immense, with engineering by Alessio Cattaneo and mastering by Stefano Morabito. How did these collaborations shape the sound of the album?

Our ideas have always been clear from the very beginning about the final sound of Tomatized, we gave precise references to the millimeter, a great job has been done, especially in terms of mastering, we are very satisfied with the work of both.

6. Pierre De Palmas provided the artwork for Tomatized, which is striking and complements the album’s theme. What was the process like working with him to visually represent the album's concept?

I had worked with Pierre in the past for two albums that I produced with my label Despise The Sun Records, I have always loved his works, a great talent, I really like his rotten and detailed approach. For Tomatized I wanted to describe a nightmare of our Mr. Daisy, I wanted a trait that differed from the one used for reality. Our character is not seen this time, precisely because we are inside his nightmare. So from this album, the historic artist of our classic covers, Chris Moyen, will be joined by Pierre, surely for the future there will be a cooperation of the two artists for some sick idea.

7. With songs like "Escape From Alpha City" providing such an unhinged conclusion to the album, what kind of experience do you want listeners to walk away with after hearing Tomatized?

Our aim is always to give you a kick in the teeth ehehe Jokes aside, I like direct music, without frills and without parts where you can't understand what the two guitars are doing, this has always been the main peculiarity of Corpsefucking Art. I like to give a certain groove to the tracks, where the listener never gets bored and gets so excited that your headbanging never stops.

8. Corpsefucking Art has always been about pushing boundaries in both music and storytelling. How do you see the band evolving in the future, and what new madness can fans expect?

I already have so many ideas for the next album, every time I feel like I'm writing the script of a season for a TV series, lyrically this is my approach. Musically speaking, the path we want to take is already outlined, death metal is a very important part of our lives, our language is constantly evolving, only the future will tell us what will happen to Mr. Daisy.

9. The track titles and lyrics suggest a world of chaos, from bacterial holocausts to alien invasions. Do you see Tomatized as a commentary on any real-world events, or is it purely a fictional escape?

The chaos you perceive is in the sick mind of a psychopath, these are the inner monsters of Mr. Daisy. The character has always been unaware of the duality of his life, where reality and dream world intersect. In this album Mr. Daisy will become aware of his mental state and how he really lives. The last track of the album reveals something important and crucial for his life.

10.        Finally, what’s next for Corpsefucking Art after the release of Tomatized? Are there plans for touring, and how do you intend to bring the vegetable invasion to life on stage?

For now there will be a release party in our city, Rome, we will play at the second edition of the Rome Carnage Death Fest. We will bring on stage a setlist that will see both new tracks and tracks that will retrace the discographic path of Corpsefucking Art, taking some tracks from all our old productions. There are many projects coming and new adventures, long live the new flesh.


CORPSEFUCKING ART (@sachertorture) • Photos et vidéos Instagram

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