The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Discover the journey of Paralysis, from high school beginnings to international tours and their latest release "Above The Abyss." Dive into their experiences, evolution, and future plans.

1. Can you tell us about the origins of Paralysis and how the band came together in 2014?

We basically started as a high school band. It’s was me (Jon) and a bunch of friends who really just shared the same interest in music. We would play a lot of covers spreading from bands like DRI and Sick Of It All to Metallica and Megadeth. Once we were ready we’d start incorporating our originals into our set.

2. our musical journey started with touring the East Coast independently. How did those early experiences shape your approach to music and live performances?

 We realized as a band that touring was exactly what we wanted to do. We had so much fun on the first couple of tours. Some of the shows were great and some were not but we didn’t care at all we were just happy to get out there and play new places and meet new people every night. 

3. In 2017, you ventured into Canada to support your debut full-length album. What were some highlights and challenges of touring internationally at that stage in your career?

 It overall was a great time. When we were doing that we were just doing it to place and see new places. We really didn’t care if the shows were good or not. It was just awesome to be able to travel to a whole other country at the time and play shows. Early on it definitely was challenging figuring out the financial side of things but somehow someway we would always figure it out and be able to make it happen.

4. What was it like performing at the Lima metal festival in Peru, and how did that experience impact the band?

That was one of our fondest memories. It was our first time playing in a different continent. It was very strenuous but pushed us to another level and made us realize further that this is what we want to do. 

5. Sharing stages with acclaimed acts like Crisix and DRI must have been exciting. Can you share a memorable moment from those performances or tours?

Those were a lot of real fun memories the Crisix tour we traveled together so basically 24/7 for a week we were all together so we were able to grow real close with each other. DRI we became super close with as well. It’s crazy that we went from them being some of our idols to our close friends. It’s always good sitting bullshitting with them after the shows. 

6. Your latest EP, "Above The Abyss," was released in 2023. How would you describe the evolution of Paralysis's sound and style from your earlier albums to this latest release?

Every release we just keep trying to write what we like listening to. So throughout the years things obviously change, especially with us coming from being kids our taste keeps evolving. All in all though we try to keep true and true to what we sounded like from the beginning. 

7. What inspired the themes and lyrics explored in "Above The Abyss"?

We always try to write about real experiences and what we go through. I personally go through a lot mentally so I always like to write about what’s going on at the time. 

8. How has the metal scene evolved since you started in 2014, and how do you see Paralysis fitting into that landscape?

The scene is always changing. When we first started as a band we had a really good thrash scene going on. We played a lot of good bills and got to open for a lot of cool bands. Now we all are spread out in different parts of the country so it’s hard for us to play all the time. We really try to just tour to get the most bang for our buck. 

9. What are your plans for future tours or projects? Any collaborations or new releases on the horizon?

We are in the process of recording a new album. It’s coming together slowly but surely. We all feel that this is our best release yet so we’re trying to make sure it comes out the best it possibly can. For touring we don’t have any immediate plans. 

10. Lastly, how has the band navigated challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and what lessons have you learned from these experiences?

Like I said before we have been really a strictly touring band for a while because we are all spread out. So when Covid hit it didn’t hit us too hard as a band. We did have some touring plans in the summer of 2020 though that obviously did not happen.


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Paralysis (@paralysisthrash) • Photos et vidéos Instagram

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