The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Yritys, born from a final attempt in music, features members Nihil and Galla's shared passion for black metal. Their debut album, "DELUSION(S)," draws from personal struggles, with a blend of DSBM nostalgia shaping their sound. With new projects on the horizon and their album set for release with Misantropia Records, Yritys promises more to come.

1.       Can you tell us about the origins of Yritys? How did the band come together, and what inspired you to start making music together?

Well Yritys was meant to be my (Nihil) last project in music, my last attempt henceforth the name Yritys (that's the Finnish word for "an attempt"). Me(Nihil) and Galla have known each other for many years and always talked about starting up a black metal band. And Yritys started with me giving bass lessons to Ukko and it grew into making original songs that later became our debut album DELUSION(S).

2.       Yritys was formed in 2019 by members Ukko and Nihil. Can you share some insights into the early days of the band and how your dynamic as a duo influenced your music?

I (Nihil) had a song in my head that i wrote for about 15 years ago, and never made a serious recording or released it properly. That was until I played the riffs to Ukko and he started to improvise bass to it in one of our bass lessons. That song later became our song Nihil.

3.       Ard Void joined the project a few months after its formation. What did Ard Void bring to the band in terms of musical style and creativity?

Ard Void is like a mentor/brother to us, mostly because of his past in the scene and knowledge in music. He helped us in the early days a lot with drums and made our poor recordings into something worth releasing and gave life to the riffs we recorded at my home studio.

4.       Nihil, you mentioned feeling the need for something or someone more after working on your debut album for a year or so. Could you elaborate on what led to this realization and how it influenced the band's direction?

I can honestly say that the first years working on DELUSION(S) were mostly only instruments, and after we had most of the songs ready I started to plan the recording of vocals to it. And who else but my dear friend Galla (that had just been released from the mental institution after an involuntarily stay for a period of time) who's vocal style I’ve always envied.

5.       Galla, you were the final piece of the puzzle when Nihil contacted you to complete the band. What attracted you to Yritys and how did you feel about joining a project that had already been established?

As mentioned before, Nihil and I had been talking about working on a project together. And when I actually got to hear the songs that were Yritys - DELUSION(S) I was more than intrigued and thought I could do the album justice. I've had music on ice so to speak before Yritys came along because of personal reasons. The timing was perfect this time.

6.       Yritys' debut album, "DELUSION(S)," delves into Nihil's struggles with mental health and ongoing demons. Could you share how personal experiences and emotions shaped the themes and lyrics of this album?

Almost 15 badly medicated years I’ve suffered everything from anxiety to psychosis several times. I've been institutionalized in mental hospitals several times and when that happens I have a tendency to write lyrics and notes on my phone which became the lyrics to DELUSION(S).

7.       Nihil, as the founder and lyricist of the band, can you discuss some of the deluded thoughts and experiences that inspired the songs on "DELUSION(S)"?

Every sentence on the album is a thought I’ve suffered from whilst being heavily medicated or institutionalized so the lyrics are very real to me even though they don't make sense in reality all the time. For example the song Phantasmal dives in to my problems with psychosis and anxiety, 600mg dives in heavily medicated thoughts.

8.       Musically, how would you describe the sound and style of Yritys, especially on your debut album? Are there any specific influences or genres that have played a significant role in shaping your music?

Early 2000 DSBM influenced a few of us. But Ukko for example had never heard of DSBM before Yritys came along. He still doesn't listen to the genre. But for me(Nihil) and Galla, early DSBM is very nostalgic. We tried to make a album we wanted to listen to.

9.       Ukko, as a founding member and bassist, what role does your instrument play in defining Yritys' sound, and how do you contribute to the band's overall creative process?

Contribution Wise, I (Ukko) wrote mostly the foundation to DELUSION(S). Because we (Nihil  and I) wrote the bass before anything else. Except for the song Nihil, which was the hardest to record for me (Ukko) since I didn't have much experience at the time of  the recording. I made it hard for Nihil to record the guitars to all the other songs since I don't know any music theory, and that shaped the sound significantly.

10.   Ard Void, you handle drums, mixing, and mastering for the band. How do these roles intersect, and how do they contribute to the unique sound of Yritys?

Ard Void is not present at the time of this interview, and is not a full time member because other projects. But he's our brother and a real helping hand in everything we produce.

11.   Galla, as the lead vocalist, your voice is a distinctive element of Yritys' music. How do you approach interpreting and delivering the deeply personal lyrics written by Nihil?

 I really try to put myself in the headspace of Nihil whilst recording his lyrics. I myself have struggled similar demons to Nihil. And try to put myself in that headspace whilst recording.

12.   Looking ahead, what can fans expect from Yritys in terms of future music and projects? Are there any goals or aspirations you'd like to share with your audience?

We have already started to record album number 2 that has a name but we won't reveal that just yet. But DELUSION(S) is going to be released by Misantropia Records this October as physical copies. So stay tuned for more info in the future.

(21) Yritys Official - YouTube

Yritys | Spotify


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