The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

DUSK's journey from Algeria's metal underground to international acclaim unfolds in this interview. Explore their music, influences, challenges, and upcoming projects with the band members themselves.

1. Can you tell us about the early days of DUSK and how the band came together in 2001? What inspired you to form a metal band in Algeria?

DUSK, which started in 2001, and was formed by a group of like-minded young friends who shared a love for metal music; our journey was a mixture of passion and determination to express ourselves through music.
what pushed us to do it is seeing metal music in our country growing, we wanted to break the boundaries and do like our predecessors.

2. DUSK initially faced challenges and setbacks in its early years. What motivated you to persist in pursuing your musical vision despite these obstacles?

Our unwavering passion for music, a shared vision, and the desire to break barriers in the Algerian metal scene where our main motivations to persist despite early challenges and setbacks.

3. Could you describe the evolution of DUSK's music and style from your early rehearsal sessions to the present day?

DUSK's music has had a long journey since our first rehearsal sessions until today. At the beginning we were inspired by metal bands such as Metallica Sepultura Megadeth slayer...... However, as and as we honed our skills, our music evolved.

Today, DUSK's music is a reflection of our artistic and personal growth. It's a mix of powerful metal energy.

4. Redouane Mostefaoui, you joined the band in 2015 with the goal of reviving it. What inspired you to take on this role, and how did you go about reinvigorating the band's creative spirit?

I joined DUSK in 2015 because of my admiration for my friends, the band and my passion for metal music. To reinvigorate the creative spirit of the group, we placed emphasis on collaboration, and especially composition.

5. The band's lineup has evolved over the years. How do each of the current members contribute to DUSK's sound and musical direction?

Each current member of DUSK contributes their unique skills and musical style to our sound. Together, we create a diverse and dynamic musical direction, combining elements from our respective roles to shape our signature sound.

6. Can you share some insights into your songwriting process? What themes and influences inspire your music and lyrics?

Our songwriting process is collaborative which draws on various influences. It usually starts with one member bringing in a riff and from there we develop it collectively by experimenting with different melodies, rhythms.

The themes of our music often reflect our personal experiences, social issues and a deep connection to our Algerian heritage.

7. As a metal band in Algeria, what unique challenges and opportunities have you encountered in the local music scene?

Being a metal band in Algeria has presented both unique challenges and opportunities Metal music isn't traditionally associated with Algerian culture, so we initially faced skepticism and misunderstanding from some quarters.

The local music scene had limited resources for metal bands, including venues, recording studios, and event organizers specializing in metal.

Overall, while the challenges were significant, the opportunities to pioneer a unique sound and contribute to the growth of the metal scene in Algeria have been incredibly rewarding.

8. DUSK's music combines various subgenres of metal. How do you approach blending these different elements to create a cohesive and distinctive sound?

We create our distinctive sound by respecting the roots of each subgenre by experimenting in collaborative composition we are able to create a cohesive and distinctive sound that reflects our identity

9. Are there any specific bands or artists that have had a significant influence on DUSK's music and style?

Yes, several bands and artists have had a significant influence on DUSK's music and style. Some of our notable influences include classic metal bands like Iron Maiden Metallica slayer Pantera as well as local musicians who have inspired and inspired us. These influences have helped shape our unique musical identity.

10. Your current members include Redouane Mostefaoui (Rhythm guitar and vocal), Lamine Amrane (Lead guitar), Anis Hadj Ahmed (Bass guitar), and Nabil Litim (Drums). Can you share some insights into how your musical chemistry works and how you collaborate on your music?

We maintain open and honest communication within the group. This means sharing ideas and concerns in an open and respectful manner. It often starts with one member bringing an initial idea, whether it's a riff, a melody. From there we build together, each member providing its expertise.

Overall, our musical chemistry is the result of mutual respect, shared passion, and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of our creativity. It's this dynamic collaboration that allows us to create music that resonates with our fans and continues to evolve.

11. Could you tell us about any upcoming projects, albums, or performances that fans can look forward to from DUSK in the near future?

We have already released a new single called "BEHIND MY SHADOW" In October, we will release our very first EP THE NEW LAND, which is an important step for us.

we are excited to announce that we will be recording a double album in 2024.
Additionally, we are hopeful about the possibility of performing concerts. Although the details are still being worked out, we can't wait to get back on stage and connect with our fans in person.
We appreciate the support of our fans and look forward to sharing these musical journeys with you all.

12. What message or feeling do you hope listeners take away from your music, particularly those who may not be familiar with Algerian metal?

We hope they will take away a sense of unity, inspiration and cultural richness. Our music is a bridge between the power and intensity of metal. Our goal is to convey that music is a universal language that transcends borders and connects people.


(6) DUSK - YouTube

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