The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Meet Hyperdose, led by former Blacklite District frontman Roman James. With their debut EP and music video on the horizon, the band expresses heartfelt gratitude to their supporters for making this journey possible.

1. Hyperdose is led by former Blacklite District frontman Roman James. Can you tell us

about the journey that led to the formation of Hyperdose and how the band came together?

The band Hyperdose has been around for about 8 years now give or take. But this line up

came together in a “small world “ kind of thing. Our drummer Angel Delgado previously toured

and recorded with Blake and Justin Mattea in a previous project in 2012. He also toured with

Oniel Laffitte and Roman when they were in Blacklite District together around 2015. So, in a

nutshell we all played in a band together at some point or another. When it was time to wake

the sleeping giant Hyperdose, Angel brought the pieces of those two worlds together, and here

we are now.

2. Your upcoming EP was recorded at Aphotic Studios in Wichita, KS, and produced by

Billboard Top 40 Hard Rock Producer Chris Dawson. How did this collaboration come about,

and how has it influenced the sound and direction of the new music?

When the time came to start looking for producers, we had a few in mind, but Dawson seemed

like the top choice. Given his track record with other bands and style of those bands he had

already worked with it just seemed to fit what we were looking for. As far as influencing the

sound, we can say we knew the style of music we were going for musically but vocally we were

still figuring ourselves out, especially with Roman having such a powerful voice. Dawson really

took the vocals side of things to the next level. From Melodies to different ranges and just

production in general. He is a vocals kind of guy, told us right from the start “the vocals will

make the song.“ He did just that and we are extremely happy with the outcome.

3. The music video for your first single, "NOT READY TO DIE," is set to premiere soon.

Can you give us a glimpse into the concept and visual aesthetics of the video?

We wanted a performance video that captured the raw energy of 5 dudes in a room belting out

a song, and we got that. There was no real concept or story line but what we can say is it’s

energetic and really grabs you as you are listening and watching the song unfold. Almost as if

you are in that same room with us playing. There are some dark reds and yellows combined

with a “Strobe light room“ that definitely helps with the intensity of the song visually.

4. "ART OF YOU" is another highly anticipated release from your upcoming EP. What can

listeners expect from this track, and how does it contribute to the overall theme or message of

the EP?

‘Art of You’ is actually the name of the E.P. itself, and there is a concept that goes along with

that title as well. There are 4 tracks total, and each song has a connection to the name of the

E.P. In regard to a message or theme, each song talks about different stages in someone’s life

when dealing with a relationship and oneself as well. Life is an art, and we live it trying to figure

out what’s best for us as an individual and others as companions.

5. Juan Ibanez, who has worked with renowned bands like Atreyu and Sevendust,

directed the music video for “NOT READY TO DIE." Can you share any insights into the

creative process and collaboration behind the making of this video?

Juan’s name came up in conversation with Dawson when we were recording the E.P. He has

worked with some of the bands that Dawson has worked with, so it seemed only logical to

check out his work, and when we did, we absolutely loved it. We knew we wanted to work with

him. When we arrived on set, we spoke of some ideas we had and just let Juan roll with it. He

is a very creative director not to mention laid back which led to the process being very organic.

No story boards or main ideas. We let him do his thing and went along with whatever he

wanted us to do. The result is a very powerful looking music video we are very happy with and

cannot wait to let it out into the world.

6. Hyperdose is known for its energetic and hard-hitting sound. How would you describe

your music to someone who has never heard it before, and what elements do you believe set

Hyperdose apart from other bands in the genre?

We aim to instill the name of the band “Hyperdose'' into the energy of our music! Low-end power

that you feel in your gut, but with dynamic riffs giving the listener an interesting spin! Our

authentic inspiration in the lyric content matched with the musical landscape gives the listener

more of a comprehensive listen! We want people to be pleased, but also provoked in thought by

our music!

7. Your previous EP, "DISASTER," was recorded at Crosstrax Studios with Grammy

Nominated Producer Justin Rimer. How did that experience shape your approach to music

production, and what did you learn from working with such an accomplished producer?

Justin Rimer is an amazing producer that really helped us find our sound. The experience

taught us really how to lay out songs for the listener, but also ways to implore our creativity in

catchy forms; amongst them Including electronic elements with low tuned guitars and many

layers of ambient sounds. Justin had a relentless hard-working mentally that helped us find the

magic many times while working throughout the night.

8. Hyperdose's music often explores intense emotional encounters. Can you elaborate on

the themes and inspirations behind your songs and how they resonate with listeners?

Emotional connection and mental imagery is very purposeful through our tracks and artwork!

Songs like “The Hunted” paint a clear picture for the listener to be on guard with their lives! We

constantly bring up themes of battling feelings like rage, revenge, purpose, courage and

strength. We let the listener feel as if they are facing life or death situations and offer the

promise of positive reaction!

9. "COMING FOR YOU" has been a popular track from your previous release, "IMPACT."

What was the inspiration behind this song, and why do you think it has connected so well with

your audience?

“Coming For You” is a straight up banger that embodies all the feelings of discontent and

revenge! The intense emotions of the rage we battle with when trying to manage the pain with

someone or something that has hurt you come out to play in full force! This relatable concept,

matched with intriguing guitar leads, musical emotion & a raw powerful chorus entangles the


10. Your debut single, "TAKE CONTROL," featured guest vocals from Gabe Aranda of the

band Aranda. How did this collaboration come about, and what was the experience like working

with another artist on that song?

The Aranda brothers hail from the same town as us here in Oklahoma City, OK and are

incredible vocalists and guitarists. This was a great collaboration to help boost us out of the gate

with our debut single “Take Control”. It is a great experience working with successful artist who

can add a different element to your music.

11. As a band, what is the creative dynamic like when writing and composing new

music? How do you collectively bring your individual ideas together to create a cohesive

Hyperdose sound?

The creative process can be a little challenging since we are all scattered across the United

States, but we make it work. The twins are based in Oklahoma, Roman is based in South

Dakota, and Oniel and Angel are based in Florida. Usually, Blake or Oniel will start off with an

idea, and every time we have a new idea for a song, we create a new session virtually so we

can all work on it as it builds. Once they lay their initial idea down in the session, everyone else

will take turns listening to it, and either adding new ideas/layers, or modifying it until we feel it’s


12. Hyperdose has a diverse lineup with members from different locations. How does

this geographic diversity influence your music and contribute to the band's overall chemistry and


The fact that we have members from such diverse backgrounds and locations, creates a unique

opportunity for each of us to implement our unique styles into these songs. While they may not

be noticeable at the forefront of the song itself, if you listen closely and pay attention, you’ll

notice the various influences here and there. As for the chemistry of the band, it’s always hard

when you have 5 different personalities working together, so whenever we have discussions, we

simply settle it over a game of Stomp.

13. With a blistering 2023 season ahead, what are your goals and aspirations as a

band? Are there any specific milestones or achievements that you're aiming for?

With the release of our upcoming EP ‘Art of You,’ we have already completed a huge milestone

this year for Hyperdose. It took us 8 years to get to this point, and we genuinely feel this is only

the beginning of an amazing chapter for us. We’re hopeful that this EP will open doors for us to

more festivals and even possible touring scenarios. But if we had to pick one unique opportunity

we’d be excited to add to our resume, it would be Shiprocked!

14. Can you give us any hints or insights into what the future holds for Hyperdose

beyond the upcoming EP? Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations in the works?

At this moment, our focus is solely on the release of our upcoming EP and music video. As

much as we would love to start working on future ideas and collaborations, we want to make

sure our attention is where it needs to be so we can properly promote and launch this cycle of


15. How does Hyperdose approach live performances, and what can fans expect

from your energetic and captivating shows?

When it comes to our live performances, we give it everything we’ve got to make sure the fans

and supporters enjoy every second of the show and have a great time. If someone just wanted

to listen to the tracks, they would simply buy the album and listen to it at home. But when

someone takes time out of their day to go see you, and spends their hard earned money to

watch your band perform, you better put on one hell of a show, and that’s exactly what we do for

our fans.

16. Lastly, is there anything else you would like to share with your fans and our

readers? Any messages or experiences you'd like to convey?

If there is one message we would like to share with our fans and readers, it would be to say

thank you to each and every one of you. We are 5 guys, scattered all over the US, who

somehow through a series of events ended up together, and are now releasing our new EP and

music video. The only reason we are able to do this is because our fans have supported each

one of us individually in prior projects, and now continue to support us as we build out

Hyperdose, and for that, we are eternally grateful. We also want to give a huge shoutout and

thank you to you, Redouane Aouameur, for taking the time to interview us and giving us a

platform to connect with new and old fans alike. Finally, mark your calendars! Our new single

‘Not Ready To Die’ drops on August 11, and we can’t wait to hear what you all think! 


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