The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

 Join us as we delve into the origins of Cordyceps, a Brutal Death Metal band from Las Vegas, Nevada, exploring their journey from humble beginnings and the challenges they faced to their recent reforming, upcoming third album, and aspirations for the future.

  1. Can you tell us about the origins of Cordyceps as a Brutal Death Metal band in Las Vegas, Nevada?

The band was started by the previous guitarist Jose Lopez and Carlos, Rafael, then drummer was invited to join after they approached during a show with a band he was playing drums for.

  1. How did the band come together and decide on the name Cordyceps?

The name is based off the last of us and the fungus Cordyceps, a nasty natural fungas and spore that infects insects, takes over the host mind and controls the nerve system forcing them to spread the spores further.

  1. After releasing your first album, "Black Blood Butchery," Cordyceps experienced a falling out between members. Can you shed some light on what happened?

That would be a long story and since we have recently made amends, one that I am not sure would be appropriate because both parties have agreed to move on. Let's just say there was things that should not have happened from both sides and we could not move past them as a band.


  1. How did Eric Lindmark of Deeds of Flesh become involved in the disbanding and subsequent reforming of Cordyceps?

I spoke to Erik in an email after the bands falling out informing him what had happened, I let him know that it would only be me continuing and he gave me the green light, telling me to just keep it heavy.


  1. What led to the decision to reform Cordyceps and release the three agreed-upon records with the label?

The decision was made between previous members and myself.  The agreement was I would continue paying for our management, at the time with Emg and i would take over Cordyceps in return. It was also agreed upon that I would continue Cordyceps while the other members formed another band. Unfortunately the Facebook and all other social media was deleted and I had to start over. All the hard work had to be for something and I felt like I had to show people I would never give up. I wanted to prove something, that no matter how hard things were I could make the record happen. It was probably the hardest time in my life, I struggled financially and mentally. 


  1. "Betrayal" is said to be a testimony to the anger felt throughout the band's career and experiences. Could you elaborate on the themes and emotions conveyed in this album?

The themes are in the title, I felt betrayed alone and angry, It was a statement. This was one of my lowest points and instead of feeling sorry for myself I wanted to show others how I felt about situations, I wanted to prove people wrong, because some people did not believe I could do it. I don't like to talk much because I'm not egotistical about it but I played guitar drums and vocals on the record, and Mike kneeley helped write on a couple tracks, but the tracking of everything but bass was done by me. I wanted to prove a point.At the time nobody really knew it was just me but Erik, he passed away before he got to hear the album, which I still devastating because he really is a huge reason we are around today. I was pretty much acting in secret to finish this record Because he was the only person i think that really knew i was alone,  im not sure if Unique Leader did at the time or not, but in my mind I had to keep the entire thing under wraps.


  1. How did the recruitment of guitarist Nero and bassist Chris come about? What qualities do they bring to Cordyceps?

Nero has been a long time friend of almost 20 years so it was a natural decision as he is super talented and is solid af, along with creative and Chris is very recent as our original bassist Robert Jarmon has had other obligations, we are still great friends.Dio has high energy and crushing riffs and Chris is a very solid player.


  1. Can you tell us more about the talented drummer Michael Nohlan of Noctambulist and his involvement with the band?

Michael and I have been working together on this album for almost two years now. I watched a video of him and I was blown away, He really is one of the best drummers I've had the pleasure of playing with, and his other band Noctambulist such a great band to watch. I moved to Colorado after talking with him and we hit it off, it felt natural to jam guitar with him.Me and him are both drummers as well so we write great music together bouncing ideas off of each other, but he naturally understands the music and most of the album has just been his awesome creativity and explosive dynamics


  1. With a new direction and purpose, how would you describe the changes in Cordyceps' music and overall approach?

Our approach was much more open this album,Less stress of trying to make people happy, and more about being creative in any way we felt or sounded good to us.We took our time and made something we feel is unique.


  1. What can fans expect from your upcoming third album? Are there any particular themes or influences that you're exploring?

It's going to be pissed and dark, big dynamics is more of the theme on this one and it sounds huge, a wall of sound sometimes but Def still angry with a hint of myrskog influenced black metal.


  1. How has the band's sound evolved since the release of "Black Blood Butchery" and "Betrayal"?

The sound is just getting harder and aggressive, I think this album will show we have matured as musicians.


  1. What inspires your songwriting process? Are there any specific influences or experiences that shape your music?

For this album after the pandemic a lot of us felt defeated so this album was inspired more by how It was to feel like going through that i was struggling with mental health not in a good place at all, along with being pissed about not being able to play.For us I think this is an outlet of anger or whatever negative emotions we have, it helps us to feel better about getting rid of that hate, or depression or whatever negative emotions we don't want to hold onto.


  1. How does the band's live performance translate the intensity and energy of your music to the stage?

The music just makes you want to move and you can really feel the energy because it's real, it's blood sweat and tears, it's honest, the motive is playing for people and that's what we enjoy the most.We are all about high energy, the one thing I really enjoy is watching band's that are into what they are doing and I've always made sure we are enjoying ourselves no stiff necks around here.


  1. Can you share any memorable moments from your previous tours or live shows?

Our tour with cerebral incubation was probably one of my favorite moments along with epicaridactomy.Those guys had me laughing the entire time we were out on the road, great dudes and they deserve the success they have been enjoying.


  1. How do you balance your personal lives and commitments with the demands of being in a band?

I don't think there is much of a balance. For us its all or nothing. We all want the same thing to make music a career most of the stuff we do is just to support that.


  1. What are your thoughts on the current state of the Brutal Death Metal genre? Do you see any trends or changes that excite you?

Metal is more popular than ever, and honestly your band lelahell is something that really made me excited I was so stoked to do this interview, I thought it was great what you have done for metal and it inspired me to see band's like yours really making a difference.I'm excited for metal being more open and creative, people being themselves is really awesome to see.


  1. How do you plan to promote your upcoming album and connect with your fans?

We plan on releasing a music video and touring, This time we want to be more proactive and really try and make as much media as we can. We alsk try to talk to anyone that writes and stay humble like Trevor from black dahlia, I think the best way to connect with fans is to support each other's music and make friends.


  1. Looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations for Cordyceps in the coming years?

Our main goal is to tour and one day play whacken that would be a dream come true, and that is what we are striving for.

Cordyceps_Official (@cordycepslv) • Instagram photos and videos

 Black Blood Butchery EP | Cordyceps (


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