The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Cherry Bomb, an energetic band inspired by 80s Hair Metal, delivers electrifying performances and infectious rock anthems. They blend classic influences with modern flair, ensuring unforgettable live shows.

1. Can you introduce the band members and their roles?

The band consists of the following members:

Chris P. Nuttz – Lead vocals and guitar

Live and let die. Lost in music. When you give – give it all. Sticks and stones, they may break bones…But it takes vocals and strings to make rocks melt. And when you’re on the stage, getting goosebumps while gazing at the crowd, you ask yourself: Did I really shave my balls for „THIS“?

Vince Vixxen – Lead Guitar and backing vocals

The most sensual dreams of all ladies become reality. However, before Vince’s rock history could begin, he was forced to play classical music epics on a stupid nylon walking-wood guitar. A big stinker for anyone who has celebrated his first sparkling erections with songs by Poison, Van Halen and Whitesnake. Why he wanted to be a rock star? Because thats where the ladies get laid. Remember: The most important thing for an incredibly good guitar player is a matching spandex!

Ben Dover – drums

If you feel like gettin‘ beat – Ben is the man! It takes balls to swing the sticks like this crazy animal. Raised in the LA suburbs, he knows how to make it to the limelight – and stay! And when he’s not behind the drums, he shure can be found behind a lady who cherishes his name…

Don Diego Duarte – Bass and backing vocals

Ready, steady, Go! Don Diego is exactly what you’d expect from this name – manly, phenomenal feel for the bass guitar, rhythm and rhyme. Of course it’s not only the strings of his bass guitars that gets the ladies all excited – just have a look at him and you know exactly why. Together with Ben Don forms the essential rock rhythm group every band needs.

Neil N- Blomee – Keys and backing vocals

Born and raised with the Music of Glam-Metal Heavyweights like Poison, Motley Crüe or Lady-Lookalike Bon Jovi all over him. Just like Vince, Neil studied Classical Music until impending his own will on his teachers and Rockin’ the Piano. Since then, he is not only hammering the 88 keys of every piano within reach. Even if standing in the back for most the time, never underestimate what slippy fingers can do not only to his favourite instrument.

2. How did Cherry Bomb come together and what sparked the formation of the band?

The initial spark was Vince Vixxens initiative to form a band resembling the spirit and overall demeanor of all those great 80s heroes of ours. Convincing Chris P. Nuttz and Neil N. Blomee to join the band was overall pretty effortless, since forming such a band is like.a dream come true and seems like a no brainer.

3. With such a strong influence from 80s Hair Metal, what aspects of that era's music do you incorporate into your own style?

Basically everything, that comes our way – or as Whitesnake once used as a song: Wine, women and song! There’s no better feeling than being on a stage and looking into the eyes of beautiful ladies lusting for the band. Basically it’s exactly, what all 80s bands once had in mind ever since they got hold of a guitar: Wouldn’t it be great to be on stage – and shouldn’t all the girls then love me?

For our music, we try to have all this fun and positive energy of the golden rock era incorporated in our songs – and try not to care to much about establishment – just have a truck load of fun!

4. Can you share some memorable experiences from your notable gigs, like the Swiss Rock Cruise or touring with Bonfire?

First of all. What happens Backstage stays Backstage. Other than that – how much time did you bring so we can list our favourite moments from our past years (a good starting point is our written biography – unfortunately only available in german, but xxx pages of unfiltered Cherry Bomb history).

5. What was the story behind the inflatable water balls incident at one of your festival gigs?

That really was a great moment, even though we hadn’t thougth of all the possible consequences. We were headlining a great Open Air and decided to bring like 50 or 60 inflatable water balls to the Gig – the ones you often see on festivals bouncing around the audience. Weimagined it must be a hell of a sight from the stage and a lo of fun for the audience as well. What we didn’t expect were a lot of those balls being thrown back on stage once the crowd got a hold of them. So – while playing our set – we had quite a lot of work dealing with all those water balls on stage and kicking them back into the audience – just to have some other being thrown back on stage. And you can’t imagine all the valuable beer that flooded our stage since our glasses got hit by those balls. But looking back, it was what we wanted it to be – a great festival moment.

6. How do you prepare for your gigs? Can you share more about your pre-show ritual?

Preparing for the Gigs is easy – practice and know your job. Besides that, there’s one specific ritual that nobody seems to remember the origin – but prior to every Gig we gather in our dressing room, take a pre-show selfie with our stage outfits and have one final Ouzo before hitting the stage. Why we drink Ouzo – we don’t really know.

7. What kind of feedback have you received from your fans and reviewers about your music? Any particularly memorable reviews?

Of course there are some memorable moments especially with our fans Before even releasing our first album, we already hat the single for the song “No beer in the fridge” out and played it regularly in our shows. And we all remember the first time the crowd really sang the chorus with us – that was really magical and felt really magical. And you can believe us – the smiles on our faces stayed all night.

One mor story that really stuck with us was that one man – he relly came out of a bad breakup in his latest relationship and found a lot of comfort in our song “I am your man” from our first album Pandoras Box. He told us his story and how much this song means to him, since it’s a reflection of his situation and he can totally relate to that song. I mean – we all have our breakup-songs, and being told that this is basically this guys breakup-song, that’s huge!

8. Could you tell us more about the production process for your latest single/EP/album, and the role Vince Vixxen's private studio played in it?

Recording took place in Vince’s private Studio, which is basically next door to a Rockstars dream man cave with a bar, all the memorabilia and even a little stage – so whenever Vince feels like inviting friends and having a private party, everythings there.

For the recording we – of course – switched to his studio room and recorded our parts separately, which is a lot of fun, since you can feel the songs grow and slowly get mature with each part being added.

9. What message or feeling do you hope to convey with your latest release?

Be positive, have fun – and get laid J. Obviously, if you listen to the album, we always have that one common goal in mind: This album has to be perfect for driving in a convertible on a perfect summer day – in best case on the way to one of our shows. Other than that there is really no deeper meaning – and we want it that way. We don’t want to produce an album with to much meaning and heavy thoughts. We want to keep it easy and fun – which itself is a message we think. So if you want a message: Be positive, have fun.

10. Can you give us an overview of the themes or stories behind some of the key tracks on your new album?

You can easily guess most of the themes and stories of the songs, but here are a few insights for you:

Whisky A GoGo

This is totally obvious: Who wouldn’t want to be on stage in this famous club? If you’re into Rock, this is like the place to be – and this is, what this song is about.


Every Rockband needs a really great Power Ballad – Especially is the Power Ballad on this album. Nothing more to say, I guess. Listen to it, let the lyrics capture you and you’ll know why people love Power Ballads. It’s just a compressed version of love to listen to in about four minutes.

Seven Seas Of Rock:

This was originally written for the SwissRockCruise, a festival we played on that took place on lake Constance. Yes, really on the lake, wince it was on a ferry, that was changed to a festival scene. Perfect weather, and we thougth it would be perfect to write an anthemic song for this event. You should judge yourself, but we think we did quite a good job with that.

11. How does the band collaborate when creating new music? Do you have a specific process for writing and recording?

It all comes down to the basic idea of the song, which is mostly a collaboration between Chris and Vince. Putting together the musical idea and the story or theme of the song. And from there on, the songs start their life within the band. Everyone has to contribute, we’re as democratic as a band can be. But we’re also trying to keep it simple and everyone needs to support the main idea of the song. The fun part is incorporating little references to the 80s – either with the lyrics, with little hooklines or instruments used in the songs.

12. What would you say is the essence of Cherry Bomb's music, and what do you hope fans take away from your concerts?

We want people to have a smile on their face after listening to our music. But that’s only true for the CDs. If you visit a Gig with us, it shouldn’t only be a smile. You should be sweaty, happy and have this glow in your face that says: “Wow, that was amazing”. I guess you know what we mean by that.

 (230) Cherry Bomb Roxx - YouTube

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