The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Introducing the mind behind Starspawn of Cthulhu, Roberto Biasin. We delve into the cosmic inspirations and creative process behind their new album, "Alienum".

1. Congratulations on the release of "Alienum"! Can you share with us the main inspirations behind this album and how it ties into the works of H.P. Lovecraft?

The main inspiration is the alien/extradimensional side of Lovecraft tales, connecting that aspect of some of his tales to the sci-fi theme of aliens.

2. The album promises to deliver crushing riffs and melancholic melodies. Can you describe the creative process behind crafting the music for "Alienum"?

The songs have evolved into a more melodic and weaving form, so i found inspiration among dark melodies, powerful riffs and relentless grooves.

3. With Starspawn of Cthulhu evolving into a one-man band, how has the dynamic of creating and recording music changed for you?

I recorded my music at home, then i sent everything to a producer for Mixing and Mastering, so nothing has changed that much except that i was 100% free.

4. Can you tell us more about the collaboration with Chris Babalis from Acid Mammoth on your notable single? How did that come about and what was the experience like?

After the release of the first "yog-sothothery" we wanted to re-arrange a cover with a feature artist in order to increase our popularity and Chris accepted our offer, it was a really cool experience and collaborating with him was great.

5. "Alienum" delves into themes of cosmic horror and existential dread. How do you approach translating these complex themes into your music and lyrics?

I basically have two modes when i write music: Epic and Sad, so when i wrote about these themes i was in the epic mode and everything came out really genuine.

6. What challenges did you face while creating "Alienum" and how did you overcome them?

Finding the right balance between cosmicness and grooviness was indeed the greatest challenge but i did manage to obtain a good result i think.

7. Starspawn of Cthulhu has a strong following in the doom metal underground scene. How do you engage with your fans and what has their response been to the new album so far?

There's a small but strong fanbase mainly on bandcamp but also on other social platforms, i publish material constantly and i write to them every news, also i'm more than happy when someone texts me about the band, their response was really good so far.

8. What are some of your favorite tracks on "Alienum" and why? Are there any particular songs that you feel represent the album's essence best?

I like all the tracks but "Melodies from another Dimension", and "Yuggoth" are probably my favourite! The last song "Great Race of Yith" represents the essence of the whole album.

9. Looking ahead, what are your plans for Starspawn of Cthulhu in terms of touring, future releases, or any other projects?

Now i'm working on promotion for Alienum and there's a release party on July 27th, first live ever for this project! I hope to tour with Starspawn one day or manage to get some good gigs.

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