The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

In this interview, Chris Wicked shares insights into his new single "Northern Heart," a track with deep roots in Nordic folk influences. We discuss the song's decade-long journey, its unique sound, and the collaborative efforts that shaped its final form.

1. Congratulations on the release of "Northern Heart"! Could you tell us about the inspiration behind this song, especially considering it's been with you for nearly a decade?
Thank you so much. The song emerged after my first band, Malice In Wonderland, disbanded. I began writing music without the constraints of fitting a specific style, which is often required when you're part of a band with a distinct identity. That's when I created "Northern Heart," and we recorded an acoustic version. Later on, I started writing lyrics in Norwegian, which set the direction for my solo band, leading us to set "Northern Heart" aside. Recently, we revisited the song, developed a new arrangement, and felt it was too good not to release, even though it's a bit different from our usual work. I'm thrilled we did, as the response has been incredible.

2. How does "Northern Heart" differ from your previous work with Malice in Wonderland and your solo debut album "Aleine"?
Everything I create is melodic but carries a touch of melancholy. This holds true for my work with Malice In Wonderland, my solo work, and even a new synthpop/coldwave project I've recently started. "Northern Heart" shares these qualities, though it's distinct from anything else I've done. The song incorporates folk influences and a Nordic vibe, which is new for me. We fully embraced this style, using instrumentation that truly enhances the vocal melody and lyrics.

3. Your music is often described as having a melancholic yet deeply evocative quality. How does "Northern Heart" fit into this narrative, and what emotions were you hoping to convey through this track?
Although "Northern Heart" is somewhat different from the rest of my catalogue, it still contains many elements that listeners associate with my music. The melancholic and dark yet melodic and atmospheric qualities are central to everything I create. These characteristics are present in all my projects and will continue to define my work in the future, I’m sure of.

4. You've collaborated with some notable musicians for this single. Can you share how their contributions shaped the final sound of "Northern Heart"?
Eskil Sæter, formerly the drummer for Malice In Wonderland, joined me in my solo band. A highly skilled multi-instrumentalist, he plays bass during our live shows but handles guitars, bass, synths, and backing vocals in the studio. Marius Mathisen, a highly respected drummer in Norway who does session work for numerous artists, became a permanent member of the band in 2020. He now produces our songs in his studio and plays several instruments. Their contributions to the song, both in performance and arrangement, were crucial to the final result. The three of us work exceptionally well as a team and share a unified vision for our music. They fully understand the style I aim to create, making it a true pleasure to collaborate with these talented gentlemen.

5. The genre "Dark Nordic Folk" is quite intriguing. How did you arrive at this unique blend of influences, and what drew you to explore this particular sound for "Northern Heart"?
When I write music, I usually begin with the vocal melody, followed by the lyrics and arrangements. The melody did have a Nordic folk vibe to it, and combined with our dark sound, it inspired the term "Dark Nordic Folk."

6. Norwegian nature and mythology seem to be significant themes in "Northern Heart". How have these elements influenced your creative process and lyrical content?
Norway, especially the west coast where I live, has a quite impressive nature. My city, Bergen, is surrounded by seven mountains, and I've always felt a deep connection to nature, spending a lot of time in the woods. This closeness to nature has been a significant source of inspiration for me. The melody of "Northern Heart" has a distinct Nordic folk vibe, and the lyrics flowed naturally from that. I aimed to create a sonic experience that reflects the raw beauty and untamed spirit of the North, serving as a tribute to the landscapes and wild nature. The song also captures inner struggles and takes a more introspective, atmospheric approach. I wanted it to be both haunting and uplifting, and I believe we achieved that.

7. Could you walk us through the production process of "Northern Heart"? How did you translate your vision for the song into its final form?
The song was initially written and recorded as an acoustic piece, giving us a solid foundation. From there, Marius Mathisen, Eskil Sæter, and I experimented with various arrangements to complement the vocal expression perfectly. Marius and Eskil did a tremendous job in achieving that vision.

8. Your vocals are often highlighted for their clarity and emotive power. How did you approach the vocal delivery for "Northern Heart", and what did you want listeners to take away from your performance?
When singing a song like this, which is heavily vocal based, the way I perform is crucial to how the song is perceived. It's a piece filled with emotions, and I had a very clear vision of how I wanted the vocals to resonate. I aimed for a vocal delivery that is both raw and primal, yet soft and clear, to match the balance of the lyrics. There are calls, shouts, and screams in the background to evoke the untamed essence of the wild, alongside very mellow vocals that represent inner strength. It's the singer's job to make the audience feel the lyrics, and I always strive to find the right expression. Whether I succeed at that is for others to decide.

9. The single's artwork and visual presentation are striking. How does the visual aspect complement the themes and atmosphere of "Northern Heart"?
Last summer, while I was in Berlin, I stumbled upon a very cool shop that sold high-end handmade masks. Among them, I found a raven mask that I just had to have, knowing I would use it someday. My friend Anders Trier-Vaage, a highly skilled photographer with whom I used to play in Malice In Wonderland, mainly works with analogue film cameras. We shot some black-and-white photos that turned out beautifully, capturing the feel I wanted for the single and the band's overall imagery. The raven, featured in our logo and mentioned in the song, fit perfectly with the theme.

10. Having toured globally and now releasing solo work, how has your musical journey evolved, and what lessons have you learned along the way that have shaped your approach to creating music?
I’ve been in the music biz for a long time by now and it’s for sure been a wild ride. With all the ups and downs and growing in general I’m really content where I am now as a person, artist and songwriter. I’ve naturally matured and it’s really inspiring making music these days, and I create music without so many rules.
With my solo band I let myself not be that strict to a specific genre, but rather create and release music with different vibes, although there’s always a red line.
I just enjoy creating music these days, whether is for any of my own projects or writing for others, as I sometimes do.

11. What's next for Chris Wicked after "Northern Heart"? Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations you can share with us?
Northern Heart is a song that is a little bit on the side of what I usually do, but it was really inspiring working with the nordic folk expression. We already have several songs recorded with the Chris Wicked band and we’re working on release dates for the next singles. These songs will be quite different from “Northern Heart”, more guitar driven. But if you like Northen Heart I’m sure you will enjoy our upcoming releases as well.
Also, I have a new synthpop/coldwave project called Ibex Black which I am very exited about! Just recived some mixes from a producer in L.A. and it sounds absolutely amazing. So working on how to realse these songs now.
In addition, next year is the 20 year anniverasy for the self titled Malice in Wonderland album, and we want to celebrate that in some way or another. These days we’re actually in the studio recording a brand new song entitled “I’ve Chose Darkness (Over You)” that we will relase under the “Malice in Wonderland” banner.
So lots of exciting stuff going on and would recommend everybody to follow me on all social media platforms and also check out for all the latest updates.
Thank you very much for this interview and wish everyone a nice summer!

Chris Wicked

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