The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

"We Are One" emerged from diverse backgrounds, driven by unity. Influenced by Nu Metal pioneers and contemporary artists, they fuse passion and rap into anthemic performances, aiming for universal connection.

1. Can you tell us about the origins of "We Are One"? How did you all come together to form the band?

Aidan and Bud are twin brothers from Doncaster, they moved to London to pursue modeling and acting and whilst working in the private boxes at Wembley met Sean, from Donegal Ireland, with the surname Brennan, which is the twins mothers maiden name.
2. What is the significance behind the name "We Are One"? How does it reflect your music and message?

The name We Are One stands for Us, the twins are one, us and our bandmates are one, us and our fans are one and humanity is one. We aim to unite everybody. Our message is one of positivity and hope.
3. Your music combines passion, energy, and harmony with anthemic hooks and aggressive rap verses. Who are some of your musical influences, and how have they shaped your unique sound?

We have lots of difference influences for many different reasons but the core ones would be the pioneers of Numetal, Limp Bizkit, Beastie Boys, Rage Against The Machine, Bodycount, Linkin Park, But we also are massively influenced by current artists such as, Falling in Reverse, Bad Omens, Bring Me The Horizon. The way these artists can switch up their style and sound is so inspiring, they are genreless.
4. Can you walk us through your songwriting process? How do you balance the different elements like rap verses and powerful melodies to create your signature sound?

Our writing process is all natural, we will hear or say something and turn that into a verse or hook. We want our lyrics to always have purpose. every song has true meaning and is to inspire or motivate.

5. Your song is about unlocking the power within and unleashing the magic everyone has inside. Can you elaborate on this message and how it’s reflected in your lyrics and performances?

What was once human nature is now so rare, we as a civilization have moved away from core values like community and respect and into a greedy and lazy creature.
"The Power Of 3." is about unlocking your power and energy within and using it to enhance and transcend.
6. Your live performances are described as explosive and powerful. What do you aim to achieve with your live shows, and how do you prepare for them to ensure they’re impactful for your audience?

We feel that if a band or artist is truly captivating and within the performance on stage then all the audience should be fully captivated and in too.
At any of our live performances Bud (Frontman) looks into every single person's eyes to engage and make sure no-one is talking or on their phones, everyone in the room even the bartenders are fully engaged in our live performance with us.
7. How do you connect with your fans through your music and performances? Are there any memorable interactions or stories that stand out to you?

There are many different parts of our songs that are like pirate shanties, that are perfect for crowds to join in and sing with us. It is such a special feeling and experience to have a room full of strangers all on the same wavelength and invested in the same energy. It's like magic.
One story that stands out was after one of our London shows we were approached by a very cool & excited stranger who was blown away by our performance and told us how it transported him back to his youth. Bud went on to ask him if he was Anthony Flemming The tattoo artist and he was. Anthony has been one of the twins favourite tattoo artists for over 10 years so this was a really special connection to make through music.
8. What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a band, and how have you overcome them? Conversely, what triumphs or milestones are you most proud of?

It's so difficult in today's world to create new, original music. We have had numerous different members in the band all who brought something needed but only temporarily. It's almost impossible to find other members who are fully committed to the goals and aspirations of the band.
There are many triumphs we are proud of but the ones that stand out instantly are playing the Hard Rock Stage at The Isle Of Wight Festival or meeting and hanging out with Jacoby Shaddix at Papa Roachs London show at one of our favourite London venues, O2 Forum Kentish Town.

9. Are there any upcoming projects, tours, or releases that you’re excited about? What can fans expect from "We Are One" in the near future?

 We have just released our latest single "The Power Of 3." which is the beginning of the bands new heavier, more experimental metal style change. We will be playing a single release show and also have new merch available at the show and on our website. We have also just recorded our next two songs which in our opinion are by far our best songs so we can't wait to show everyone what we have next.
10. How do you manage the dynamics within the band, especially when it comes to creative differences or decisions? What’s the key to maintaining harmony among members?

We have a very open mind when it comes to music. If you have an idea or a plan we will discuss everything as a band until we come to an agreed decision that best suits the band. We want to do this for the rest of our lives so every decision could be crucial to the future of the band.
11. Your songs feature aggressive and powerful lyrics. How do you ensure these messages resonate positively with your audience and inspire them rather than intimidate?

Good question. This is very difficult to maneuver. Although we are very aggressive it is all in the hope to scare people into actually listening to what we are saying. If our music, lyrics or live performance has the power to affect one person positively then we are doing something right. We want people to be inspired to tell their friends about the most aggressive and scary band they've ever seen who are all about unity and inspiration.
12. What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who want to create a unique sound and build a strong presence in the music industry? 

Stay true to who you are or what you believe in. As a person and an artist. It's very easy to listen to what every bus driver or factory worker thinks about music and allow people who don't actually know what they are talking about to influence you. Try to create unforgettable experiences that make all the struggles and hard day's worth it. Do this because you love music and love creating and aim for the stars.

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