The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Explore the inspiration behind 'Bury My Remains' and more with Chris Maragoth, as he discusses themes, collaborations, and the evolution of his music career.

1. Congratulations on the release of "Bury My Remains"! Can you tell us about the inspiration behind this new single?
This song was planned to be part of my latest Album „Gatherer of Souls“ (released November 2023) but I wasn’t quite happy with the song in its state back then so I decided to give it more time for song writing and luckily Per offered his vocal performance on this one.
The song (instrumental) was written some years ago when I had a Metalcore phase again (I often got some kind of phases where I listen to bands of a specific genre in a escalating way :D). The melo death influences came with Per and Erik‘s vocal performance and some improvements on the song‘s instrumental side.
2. How did the collaboration with Per Lümbersson and Erik Schuetz of Aeon of Awareness come about? What was it like working with them?
Per and I are working quite together quite regularly. I wrote some stuff on his band‘s releases, he joined me on my latest Album on a track called „On the Brink of Death“. It’s always a great collab work.
Erik provided some backing vocals. He’s kinda fresh in Aeon of Awareness, so it was my first time with him but I guess not my last :D
3. The song blends elements of Metalcore and Melodic Death Metal. What drew you to this particular fusion of styles?
It happened naturally due to our musical background (Per and mine). But in general I often merge some styles in my songwriting.

4. The lyrics of "Bury My Remains" explore questioning established ideals and belief systems. What message or themes are you hoping listeners take away from the song?
To stay true to yourself and question established things every once in a while. Not in a conspiracy way, hell no, but more in a personal matter. Is something you are doing still something YOU want to do or are you doing it because it‘s expected of you or always was done that way.
5. The music video for "Bury My Remains" is visually striking. How did the concept for the video develop, and what was your experience like working with Olga Kann?
The music video wasn’t my first one with Olga. She did all the music videos for my latest Album „Gatherer of Souls“. It‘s always a great experience working with her.
I send her an upcoming track, write what this one is about, send her the lyrics and some background to the song writing process. Then we start brainstorming…okay, she starts brainstorming and is coming up with some ideas (I‘m not really good in such thins :D). We then discuss what we can implement (and yeah it‘s a matter of budget too).
6. Your music often delves into deep emotional and philosophical themes. How important is it for you to convey a message through your music?
I‘m always happy when people can relate to the topics I‘m writing songs about. But it‘s of course totally fine too when someone’s only here for the music (someone said „I like your melodies“ :D). Primarily I‘m writing the songs because a certain topic is in my mind, something’s going on in my life, I got some kind of emotional situation etc. Some kind of therapy for myself I guess :D

7. What's your creative process like when you're writing and composing new music?
Like mentioned above, most tracks originate in some kind of mood/emotional state I‘m in (eg a break up or a loss of someone). I often then got some melodies, riffs in my head or I‘m just sitting with one of my guitars, playing some stuff randomly, thinking about the situation and often there‘s some kind of raw song construct developing. Sometimes it develops to a full song in the next days/weeks, sometimes it happens some years later (disappears in the digital drawer) and yeah there‘s stuff I haven’t continued working on until today.
8. How do you feel your music has evolved since you first started your career as Chris Maragoth?
Production is a lot better now. When you listen to my first ones, like „The Entrance“ you can definitely make out the differences in production. Drums for example, using better plugins (strings and piano for example) but now I‘m looking to use the plugins only in the songwriting process and look for collabs or people that wanna join me and for example do the cello or piano parts, so it’s more human and less artificial (was a question of budget but also question of contacts back in the day too)
9. As a solo artist, how do you balance creative independence with collaboration in your music projects?
In all of my collabs I try to give all collab partners as much freedom in their part as possible. I only tell them what’s the song is about, what was the background and of course want to keep the topic the same (eg a melancholical instrumental track and a collab partner would write lyrics about a super happy topic…that wont work so well :D). But except some people that aren’t reliable I always had great experiences and recurring collab partners too. So I guess they loved the freedom I gave them in taking part in a specific song project.

10. What can fans expect next from Chris Maragoth? Are there any upcoming projects or releases you can share with us?
I‘m currently working on a new EP. Maaaaybe it will develop into a new Album, but let‘s see. Don’t wanna make promises. Depends on several factors. But this EP won‘t be out before February/March next year. But I got a single that‘s nearly finished and will release 1 track of the EP as a single before too. So if all works out as planned, there will be 2 singles this year coming.
11. You've been active on various social media platforms to engage with your fans. How do you think social media has influenced your music career?
When I was in my last band (that I left in 2017) social media was important but not as much as it is now. It‘s a great way to reach new people and of course keep followers and fans updated, what’s going on and will be out soon. But nonetheless the reworking every once in a while of algorithms on all platforms, the situation that you reach less people (followers primarily) than a year ago, can sometimes be a bit annoying, because you have to rethink your posting strategy and yeah, have to use more budget to be seen.
12. Finally, what message do you have for your listeners and fans who are excited I about your new music and future endeavors?
Stay tuned, new stuff in the making :) New and old people I did collabs with will be on board. It‘ll stay dark, it‘ll be melancholic and of course the melodies…don’t forget the melodies

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