The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Discover the alchemical journey of Hartlight, a band fusing metal subgenres, as they discuss their music's evolution, enigmatic themes, and forthcoming ventures.

1. What inspired the transition from being a studio project to forming a full-fledged band and preparing for live performances?

Noémie Marie (Vocals, Lyrics) : Adrien D. and I always wanted to put this project on stage. So when we moved to France, we were able to get our friends together and let the project grow.

2. Could you tell us more about the creative process behind your latest album, "As Above, So Below," particularly how themes of alchemy and magic influenced the music and lyrics?

Noémie Marie : In our new way of working, I do the lyrics and Adrien D. the composition. As an introduction, alchemy is a way of looking at nature. We believe that when humans transform matter, they transform themselves to be more in tune with who they really are. For Hartlight I used my personal experiences of practice and I drew inspiration from old and new books about alchemy and also philosophy, such as Nietschze. I talk about how to transmute the dross that has polluted our history and made us suffer, about the equality between feminine and masculine energy that has to be perfect inside and out to reach the philosopher's stone, about contemplating the beauty of nature and how alchemists try to unlock its secret, about the pilgrimage to Compostella to find the stone that will be used to start the process, and about so much more.

3. How has the addition of Adrien Guingal as an official guitarist impacted the band's sound and dynamics?

Noémie Marie : It's wonderful news that he's joined us, as has Guillaume Remih, our drummer. These guys are excellent at their instruments and their contribution gives the music its final shape. They bring their ideas and skills to bear on the quality of Hartlight, so that the full picture is achieved with the fine skill and talent of Adrien D.

4. Your music is described as a fusion of various metal subgenres like heavy, progressive, power, gothic, and symphonic. How do you balance these elements to create a cohesive musical experience?

Adrien D. (Music, Guitar, Production) : I honestly don’t think about it so much. We immersed ourselves, Noémie and I, into alchemy during the period of creation of the album. So we were living in a particular ambiance during three whole weeks. Being in this atmosphere and reading Noémie’s lyrics just brought to me this sound we created. The genres metling was coming naturally during the composition, it was not intended as in “Oh I would need a bit heavy there, a djent riff here”. Everything came very naturally thanks to the very evocative power of the lyrics. My point when creating music is always to underline the lyrics and their meaning to give a coherent and strong result.

5. Can you share some insights into the artwork for your albums, including the collaboration between Noémie Marie and Adrien Djouadou?

Noémie Marie : Our logo, the eight-pointed star, the rose and the H, is full of meanings. The eight-pointed star is a comprised in a polygon, a figure used for meditation and found in magical Kabbalah. It is also the symbol of Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, who is a path between the light inside and outside matter, and it’s also the name of the figure linked to the 'Emerald Tablet', one of the founding texts for making the Philosopher's Stone. It is also, of course, the H in Hartlight. I said earlier that matter must be transformed in order to transform the human being, and the light, the true light of life, pierces this matter, which can be symbolised by the hart pierced by the light. The Rose symbolizes the secret, because this path is a quest, which each person can choose to undertake and which requires a great deal of effort to put the pieces together. It is an individual work that is guided by its own compass.  There are a lot of metaphors in this path to encourage people to do their own research and to be critical.

6. "From Midland and Beyond" received positive reviews, especially regarding its symphonic power metal elements. How do you think your sound has evolved from that EP to "As Above, So Below"?

Noémie Marie : We've mixed the power metal style with other genres and the themes are now personal. I think there's always that red line of coherence within the song, the catchy melodies and choruses, the djent riffs give us a more rhythmic approach, the gothic style gives us a melancholic atmosphere, and the prog allows us to develop the themes and the complexity of the emotions.

7. The lyrics in your songs often delve into enigmatic and deep themes. What inspires your lyrical content, and how do you ensure it resonates with your audience?

Noémie Marie : It's my practice, my personal thoughts, my discussions with Adrien D. and anything else that carries a bit of wisdom. I want to inspire people with mental illustrations, and it's not a problem if not everything is understood. Sometimes it's just a sentence that makes sense to someone and that's already a lot. I simply want to encourage people to embark on a quest for truth with themselves. For those who are curious to know more about the lyrics, I give some keys on our website !

8. How do you envision your live performances, considering the intricate orchestration and arrangements in your music?

Noémie Marie : The concerts will be like a ritual, with plenty of space to appreciate what we love about metal: the honesty, the power, the expression and the unleashing of passions. We'll be playing with samples for the orchestrations as we don’t have the budget yet for a real orchestra ! *laughs*

9. Could you elaborate on the significance of the title "As Above, So Below" and how it reflects the overarching theme of your album?

Noémie Marie : « As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul » is the complete sentence from our song. It shows that there is a movement between the mind and the body, the volatile and the fixed matter in distillation, the light within us and the light within the sphere of matter that is life, that what changes inside has an impact outside, that we can understand nature because we are nature.

10. What are your future plans and aspirations for Hartlight, both musically and in terms of reaching a broader audience?

Noémie Marie : Hartlight will release a new song in autumn 2024 and a cycle of songs leading up to the second album for 2025. We're grateful to all the people who write to us and love our work, it's heart-warming. We'll be continuing our journey with concerts, for the moment in France, and later beyond our borders.

Thank you for the interview and all your questions about the themes and the quest!

Thanks to all the readers who took the time to read it, and see you soon for more adventures!

Hartlight at Taplink


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