The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Join us for an exclusive insight into 'Avatar of Eternal Hunger' with Wormodon, delving into their dark narrative and the primal creativity driving their upcoming release.

1. Your upcoming release, "Avatar of Eternal Hunger," is described as spinning a tale of spine-chilling dread. Can you give us a glimpse into the concept and themes explored in this album?
AoEH to me is like a trash, fun, excessive, musical set in a 1980s sci fi B-rated movie world. Tells the story of Alien invasion of ruthless "insectoid" evil beings that want to devour the universe. In this particular story these aliens studied human history and what we did to eachother for thousands of years: war, brutality, crimes and torture, a behavior that made us easy preys of outside attacks since we failed to evolve as a species by fighting eachother over trivial things.
2. How did Wormodon come to be, and what inspired the band's name and dark lore aesthetic?
When Simone contacted me to offer me the creation of an extreme metal project to me, he told me that he wanted something "stupidly heavy and dark" so I started to think how to satisfy the "craziness" of this dude and after I came up with the "insectoid aliens " idea , the name just came to us naturally! The story evolved from there with our ideas step by step.
3. What can fans expect in terms of musical evolution or experimentation with "Avatar of Eternal Hunger" compared to your previous works?
With of AoEH we wanted to bring back some of the emotions and vibes that made us fall in love with metal in the 90s but with a new sound and modern Influences. It's full of impressive bands out there nowadays, very technical and brutal, but I was kind of missing that "crazy conviction" that you could hear in legendary bands like cradle of filth, Dimmu borgir , behemoth , anaal nathrakh. I love how their singing is almost like acting, they have this power of charismatic prophets followed by this theatrical metal music. We really wanted to express all of that in our own way.
4. The description of Wormodon mentions being an archetypal terror. How do you channel this sense of terror and dread into your music and performances?
That is something hopefully we are going to discuss after our first shows if the public will appreciate what we are going to put out there with our first release "Avatar Of Eternal Hunger" ;)

5. Could you share insights into your creative process when crafting songs that evoke such intense emotions and atmospheres?
The music has been composed and played by Rabin Miguel (Niives) and Nathan Bonkerk, two amazing professional musicians that we were so lucky to meet and hire for the project based on my concept and Lyrics joined by Simone ideas. We would often meet to write music together, closed in a room for days with weed and beer and try to give voice to the story by diving into the narrative.
6. How important is storytelling and narrative in Wormodon's music, and what influences or sources inspire your lyrical content?
completely fundamental I would say , the narrative is Wormodon, as I said before to me it's more a musical play than just music from a band.
7. As a band, how do you navigate the balance between maintaining a dark, ominous image and connecting with your audience on a personal level?
I hope that the passion that we put into creating and channeling this lore is going to infect our audience and excite them to stay in communication with us and guide us to entertain them better and serve them even crazier stories.
8. What role does visual art and imagery play in enhancing the overall experience of Wormodon's music, particularly with your upcoming release?
We want our visual art to recall this B-rated sci fi movie/comic idea so we tried to express that feeling through our visuals. Hopefully with support from the audience we will always have more and more resources to bring artists together and expand our visuals through various tools such as comic books and cartoon videos. Let's see what we are going to be able to prepare for you guys ;)

9. Are there any specific rituals or practices that the band engages in to tap into the darker, more primal aspects of creativity?
every one of us has his own, we channel the energies of this fucked up world and vomit them into society the best way we can, trying at the same time to cause some critical thought. It's not like the band has specific rituals or practices as a whole I think it's more about each of us having his own ways to reach the same dark place
10. Finally, what message or feeling do you hope listeners take away from "Avatar of Eternal Hunger," and what's next for Wormodon beyond this release?
Fun , fun is the feeling I would like the audience to take from this release , enjoying a story and being excited about the lore while understanding that mankind could be a formidable force if united.
Wormodon is now looking forward to complete an actual band formation, I'm looking for 2 guitarists and a bass player to complete the band and start right away working on the next material, so in really hoping to also get this kind of attention from the audience , the attention of musicians willing to join and expand the project, I think the next Wormodon projects will still be focused on story telling and lore but the theme will change. I like to tell sick stories and that's something that is going to stick, for what concerns the music the next releases are going to be more theatrical and even more violent.

Wormodon (

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