The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Welcome to the interview with Váthos, a band born from the depths in 2017. Dive into their music journey, themes, and future directions.

1. Can you share a bit about how Váthos came together as a band in 2017? What inspired you to form the group?

It is suggested that an aim of physics is to accomplish an explanation of everything by some kind of basic theories of everything. We wanted something dynamic. Experiments, to be expressed through the chemistry of a band. We can handle math.

2. Your band name, Váthos, means "depth" in Greek. How does this concept of depth translate into your music and overall artistic vision?

The words will hit you “profund”, so the power of words is divine  We want to focus on real life situations and convey the emotion that we want to present, in our own way.

3. "Underwater" is the title of your first album. Could you tell us about the themes and inspirations behind this release?

The lyrical theme reflects each and everyone's daily life struggles, religion, beliefs, corruption, love, depression - all wrapped up in a circle called life.

"Underwater" can be considered conceptual by many due to the artwork, lyrical content and direction as stated above but its focus is on real human emotion, questioning one's existence, actions, beliefs mixed with circumstances and the outcome of it.

     A brief description, "Curse of Apathy" was written drawing inspiration from the daily life in Bucharest as it reflects the vision in which each individual spawns the feeling of apathy, following the same routine, over and over again. "Shape of.." was written to continue the story of our first single. What would happen if an individual wakes up from their apathetic daily routine? They will see the shape of.. (things that revolve around them). This is where we wanted to leave it open for interpretation as each listener will have their own thoughts to reflect upon when they do wake up.

4. our single "Burning Red" has a captivating lyric: "We'll just be on our way into the night." What's the story or emotion behind these lyrics?

The opening verses set a melancholic tone as the singer bids farewell with the words "I’ll say good riddance, farewell dear friend." The decision to part ways is portrayed as a necessary and inevitable step, and the recurring theme of being on one's way resonates with the idea of moving forward into the unknown, especially "Into the night."

 The intensity of the emotion increases with the description of "the hell in our eyes" and the shared sadness reflected in the shadowed limps. The wordplay in "Burning red and bright, as the sun" adds a visual and visceral element to the song, depicting overwhelming emotional turmoil.

5. The artwork for "Underwater" and "Burning Red" is striking. How does visual art play a role in conveying Váthos' music and message?

The idea behind the artwork for “Underwater” is to depict an post-apocalyptic landscape reflecting the remains and ruins of a civilization that once strived and the artwork for “Burning Red” it is a journey through the intense landscape of goodbyes, loss and the struggles of embracing an uncertain fate. The lyrics paint vivid pictures of emotional departures, punctuated by sparks of lost stories. Check out our lyric video: “Hold My Breath”. We are pro visual art when it comes to music. In our concerts we are characters from beginning to end and Radu, the vocalist of the band, is the storyteller.

6. Your style blends elements from atmospheric post-black metal and melodic death metal. How do you navigate these different influences to create your unique sound?

We navigate these different influences to create our unique sound from the Vathosian depths where the darkness does not find its explanation in the sphere of the normal. The sounds from the depths come to darken the deplorable landscape even more.

7. Can you share a bit about the songwriting process in Váthos? How do you collaborate and bring together different musical ideas?

Rain, it is one of a kind creation process. When the glass is filled with the last drop of rain, the bass is ready and the guitars are waiting in a flash. The drum is clearly thunder then you listen to how the voice of the sky is crying as it breaks in your ears. Now let it rain.

8. What has been the most memorable or defining moment for Váthos since its formation?

The most memorable or defining moment for us was this year when we made the video for the song "Burning red" on our own. So we took a long time, but the final product came out magically perfect, as if we had a wizard's hat

9. How do you see Váthos evolving musically in the future? Are there any new directions or experiments you're excited to explore?

Yes, we have new musical experiments, but they are not yet recorded in the studio and we cannot show them yet, but… (no there is no but J)

10. Lastly, how can fans connect with Váthos and stay updated on your latest releases and performances?

- News usually on Instagram or Facebook.

Váthos Instagram :

Váthos Facebook:

- Music here when it’s ready:

Spotify :


- And to sign a contract with us Napalm Records


Váthos X:


Váthos Bandcamp here:


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