The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Welcome to our interview with Felipe from Tellus Terror, discussing their upcoming album 'DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR.' Dive into the fusion of love and dark themes in extreme metal!

1. Congratulations on the upcoming release of "DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR"! Could you tell us more about the inspiration behind the album's title and theme, particularly the fusion of love and dark themes in extreme metal?

Felipe: Thank you very much Redouane! 

When i thought about the band name back in 2012 (Tellus Terror which means Planet Earth), i have decided to write about themes that are common to everyone, in a Dark/Terror narrative.

Love can be a strong positive and a strong negative subject, which affects every Human Being. That being Said, we have decided to use this approach into the Symphonic Death/Black Metal music style that we love.

2. Your band has evolved from a mixed metal style to Symphonic Death/Black Metal. How has this evolution influenced your songwriting and overall sound on this new album?

Felipe: At the EZ Life DV8 era, the band line up at the time (including myself), did not care about creating a defined product, and we have literally mixed a lot of styles, with no visual definition etc…The band disbanded piece by piece throughout the years, and when i was the last remniscent band member from the foundation, i have decided to give the band, a defined path of musical style and lyrical approach (Dark Love/Terror/Vampirism), also to fease the fans understanding of the band artistic direction

3. "Amborella's Child," "Psyclone Darxide," and "Absolute Zero" are already out as singles/videos from the album. Can you share the creative process behind these tracks and why you chose them to represent the album pre-release?

Felipe: From this day, all of the 12 songs from the new álbum DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR have a Video Clip or Lyric Video. We did produce a total of 9 vídeo clips and 3 Lyric Videos, and the 3 mentioned ones, were choosen based on the Music energy these songs have. We thought they would represent us in the best way possible in terms of mood, energy, composition etc… Psyclone Darxide was a Dark Party theme video clip , and it brought a lot of our voyage throughout life spam Passing through this young savagery for example

4. DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR is described as a journey from recognizing our mothers' voices to experiencing betrayal and mortality. How did you weave such a complex narrative into your music, and what do you hope listeners will take away from it?

Felipe: i really wanted to bring common feelings from every Human Being at least in one part of the álbum someone might correlate, and our first unconscious but pure feeling of love, Certainly comes from our very own mothers voice that we get to recognize as we develop into her womb. 

I know it is a very complex subject, but i still believe in the possibility of many people finding themselves in similar situations, and that correlation will do the job for me, making them understand life explained in a Dark way using extreme music.

5. Your first album, "EZ Life DV8," explored themes of cosmic balance and the inevitability of death. How does "DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR" continue or diverge from these themes?

Felipe: The only thing these 2 albums have in common, is the direction of writing about things that are common to everyone, but being EZ Life DV8 about Life and Space, creation of universe and imagining the end of times, and DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR focused only on the main theme Dark Love with a definitive musical style and visuals. Nowadays Tellus Terror became a totally different band.

6. Tellus Terror has a unique visual identity, as seen in your videos and artwork. How important is visual storytelling to your music, and what role does it play in conveying the album's message?

Felipe: It is very important to sound Dark and extreme, speak Darkness through extreme chants and look Dark and extreme too. This recipe needs to be complete to pass on the whole message

7. The band's lineup has remained consistent since its inception. How has this stability contributed to Tellus Terror's growth and creativity over the years?

Felipe: In reality our line up did chance a lot. It wasnt easy for Tellus Terror to gather the right people to the job, but still our Will to make Music and show it to the world, is what makes us work everyday. We just love Making extreme Dark Music.

8. You've worked with renowned artists like Seth Siro Anton and Fredrik Norstrom in the past. What was it like collaborating with them, and how did their contributions shape your artistic vision?

Felipe: If we want to evolve, and give our best to the audience, we need to learn from the masters. And we always seek knowledge through these icons of music industry. Their Vision, their art were essential to shape what we are today

9. Can you share any memorable experiences or challenges faced during the recording and production of "DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR"?

Felipe: this time we did record everything in my own studio here at Niterói - Brazil, called Tellus Studio, and we did produce the álbum with Caio Mendonça. We did record many other artists here as well, and one of our recent work was the mixing for Onslaught UK new album. This record was great as we all had a great time together, Making lunch, recording, planning etc… the challenge was only based on doing the best that we could at the time 

10. Tellus Terror has a strong online presence through social media and your website. How do you leverage these platforms to connect with your fans and promote your music?

Felipe: Social Media is really strong nowadays, and this is our business card Where we can present ourselves and our work. We do have a lot of materials at YouTube, at our official website and Instagram. Without these platforms i dont even know how we could be working LOL

11. With the album's release approaching, what are your plans for live performances and touring? How do you envision bringing the album's themes to life on stage?

Felipe: We did some live shows, and we have also recorded some live performances, and the are at our YouTube Channel for the single Empty Nails and Shattered Murano Heart

We have a distributor here for Latin America named Xaninho Discos, and they will book our next shows

12. Looking ahead, what can fans expect from Tellus Terror in the coming years? Are there any new directions or projects on the horizon after "DEATHinitive Love AtmosFEAR"?

Felipe: We will definetely be composing Symphonic Death/Black Metal, and we will continue with this Dark Aura, Vampirism and Terror, some kind of Extreme Love Metal

We are already composing new songs for the third full álbum, that we will probably release next year, releasing some single s in the way



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