The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Get ready to dive deep into the intense and meaningful world of Fury of a Dying Planet's latest album 'Captive' with this exclusive interview featuring the band's sole creator and visionary.

1. Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest track "Captive" and the message you aim to convey through it?

I can't stand to see animals in pain and the thought that humans still feel it is their right to inflict pain and suffering on another living creature just fills me with rage. This song was written as an outlet for that anger!
2. How did your collaboration with the Humane Society International and other charities come about, and what impact do you hope to achieve through your work with them?

I wrote to several charities, all responded positively but not all had the rights over the video assets. Essentially I wanted documentary footage, nothing made-up or AI generated as what is happening is real, not just a nightmare. So they provided what they could and I created the video you see here.
3. The lyric video for "Captive" contains distressing scenes related to animal testing. How did you approach the creation of this video, and what do you hope viewers take away from it?

I definitely apologize about the distressing images, but they have to be seen as it seems people still do not believe animal testing takes place and that humans can be so cruel and evil as to inflict pain on these creatures and mostly for vanity products!
4. "Fury of a Dying Planet" has a strong eco-minded theme. What drives your passion for addressing environmental issues through your music?

I can't ignore what is happening to the earth that we live on and the animals that we share this space with. I'm hoping that those who share my anger and frustration at the situtation of the world today, will find some catharsis in the music I have written and maybe get inspired to do something positive.

5. Could you share more about the formation of Fury of a Dying Planet after watching the documentary "Seaspiracy"? How did this experience influence your musical direction?

Well, I already had some basic tunes down in demo form but without a theme. Once I saw that documentary and decided to run with the eco idea that I already strongly believed in, the music certainly became heavier and more aggressive and as I have always felt strongly about environmental matters, it was easy to write the lyrics for each track.
6. The artwork for your singles is quite unique, with a trilogy of 80’s horror themed posters. What was the creative process behind this concept, and how does it tie into your music?

Bec Dennison from Bullet of a String took control of these initial posters, she is also an environmentally minded person and as we'd worked together before on Heart Through Sacrifice, she already knows the style of art I love - cinematic, dark, horror and fantasy themed!
7. As the sole writer, performer, and producer of the music, how do you balance the different roles and ensure a cohesive sound for Fury of a Dying Planet?

When I write music, I think of 'the whole'. It can be quite common that a drummer will think of the drums, the guitarist thinks only of guitar etc... whereas I have always looked at the whole music. Songs often start with guitar or from bass, then drums and then it reverses as I clean up the guitar and bass lines, add electronics etc... I am guilty of leaving vocals to last however! I hope to write from the vocals first on a project in the near future.
8. How did you come to collaborate with Paul Brigstock and Bec Dennison for this project, and what do they bring to the band's dynamic?

Paul was introduced to me by Chris Allan (who engineered the drums and is a session drummer himself, on tour currently!). It was hard to find a singer to work with initially and even now, I think for each FoaDP album, I will try work with a different singer to give a different flavour for each chapter.
Bec and I have worked together on my previous solo project Heart Through Sacrifice, so she knows me and what I like pretty well now. This being an eco project crossed with brutal metal was right up her street and she was keen to jump in!

9. Can you elaborate on the significance of the main logo designed by Bec Dennison and its reflection of fading life on the planet?

Bec thinks very deeply about the project when she designs logos and artwork, she will send me a list of questions on the project, what it means to me, etc and so this is how she came up with this logo design.
10. In your opinion, what is the role of music in addressing societal issues such as animal testing and environmental degradation?

I think music is just another way to spread the message, to inform and hopefully inspire change. I think if a tune catches, it has the power to move large numbers of people and perhaps even change mindsets.
11. How has your experience working with other bands and projects, such as Heart Through Sacrifice and Voodoo Diamond, influenced your approach to Fury of a Dying Planet?

FoaDP was actually an evolution of Heart Through Sacrifice. HTS was a massive learning curve as I did the whole thing myself. This meant when it came to FoaDP, I had a process and the actual music side was very quick to put together.
Voodoo Diamond was the last 'big band' I played with, it was a massive learning process and we got to record with big names including Justin Hill and Scott Atkins, even just working with those guys taught me a lot.
12. What challenges did you face during the production of "Captive," and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenges was putting together the video and trying to make it look professional but not too polished and certainly not letting it look too budget / 'home video'! I am not a professional video editor so this was quite time consuming.

13. With "Captive" out now on digital platforms, what are your future plans for Fury of a Dying Planet? Any upcoming projects or collaborations you can share with us?

I am planning to release the full album in about another month, it will contain 8 tracks, 6 full songs with 2 instrumentals. Then after that, I can start working on FoaDP II which I have already lined up a new singer for...
14. Finally, how can fans and listeners connect with Fury of a Dying Planet and support your music?

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