The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Auraboros formed from the ashes of a previous band, blending influences like The Defiled and Architects into a unique metalcore sound. Their live chaos matches their music's intensity.

1. Can you tell us about the origins of Auraboros and how the band came together?
Auraboros started with myself (Rayne, guitars) and Aaron (drums) after our last band dissolved; we recruited Aisling (vocals) and that became the core from early 2019 until mid-2020, when Matt (guitars) started producing our material. Eventually he just joined the band and that’s how we’ve been ever since.
2. Your music is described as a blend of dark British metalcore. How do you navigate and combine diverse influences like The Defiled, Ice Nine Kills, and Architects into your sound?
I tend to describe our sound as a subtle blend of influences; a soup as opposed to a stew. I like to believe it’s unique enough that you can tell who our influences are by our playing style, writing style, vocal style and so on, without having directly ripped anybody off.
And every artist says that, sure, but I believe what sets us apart is how we channel our influence into what each of us do as opposed to what our songs sound like.
3. The live performance aspect of Auraboros is noted for its chaotic energy and queer flavor. How do you approach crafting a live experience that aligns with your music's themes?
We approach our live show the same way we would a performance in the theatre, or a cabaret show. We want to make sure that our performance is memorable to everyone who attends, no matter how short or long the set. The chaos inherent in the performance has to at least match the chaos inherent in the music every night; from there we can improvise and exceed that.
4. "Contemplating" is described as a descent into insanity and a follow-up to your previous work. How does this new record build upon your previous themes and musical style?
Contemplating was the first time that we collaborated lyrically and it brought out a new side to our writing style. I describe our traditional approach to being very abrupt yet scratching the surface. This new approach goes deeper and isn’t afraid to embrace chaos.
5. Could you share some insight into the creative process behind "Contemplating" and how it was working with Leo Craig of the great nothing on this project?
Musically, Contemplating is incredibly challenging to myself specifically; I was experimenting with tapping at the time and I realised I could go much harder with it than I previously thought. But it expands on the same creative flare that brought our back catalogue to life.
Working with Leo has been incredible, and I’ve missed it so much. We were in a band together before Auraboros and he’s one of my favourite musicians in the world. His production style feels so unique and his attention to detail is remarkable. His approach has been to get the best sound possible and the fact that he already knew our sound so well made it such a smooth process. It’s amazing how much his voice, too, has added so much flavour to a song we already thought was a game changer.

6. Auraboros' music aims to make sense of the senseless and offer a release for those struggling with their thoughts. How do you balance the intensity of your music with the message of clarity and purpose?
I believe the intensity of the music and lyrical matter is vital to the communication of the message. Mental health issues very rarely make sense, particularly anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria, autism, suicidal tendencies, these are all complex issues and deserve a complex approach. Such chaotic issues, I believe, are best communicated with chaotic sounds.
To put it simply, people with mental health issues deserve to be spoken to on a level that matches how they feel, not spoken down to. I believe our music accomplishes that. In a very confusing way.
7. Each member of Auraboros brings a unique perspective to the band. How do your individual backgrounds and experiences contribute to the overall sound and message of the music?
Myself and Aaron have traditionally been the writing core. Aisling and Matt have become more involved with that writing over time, adding their unique flavour. Matt brings with him a lot of production and gear knowledge, Aisling with her theatrical expertise, Aaron is adept with visuals and works closely with Aisling to develop a distinct brand. I just write the music.
8. What do you hope listeners take away from your music, especially from the new record "Contemplating"?
That metalcore isn’t dead, that trans people can make heavy music too, that people with mental health issues are understood, that nobody is alone.
9. How has the reception been to your previous releases, and how do you think "Contemplating" will further solidify Auraboros' place in the metalcore scene?
While our previous releases have included some of our favourites (and some fan favourites), the reaction to Contemplating has been absolutely staggering in comparison. We have no scope on how this places us in the scene; we can only hope that people enjoy what we offer enough to keep us in the conversation.

10. The imagery and themes in your music are quite vivid and intense. Can you discuss how visual elements and storytelling play a role in your songwriting and performances?
Up to this point visual elements have come after the songwriting. Going forward we have a good idea of what those visual elements need to be in advance. We want the music, the performance and the visuals to be one coherent piece; the visuals at this point are portraying the story we want to tell, and in the future, we want it to be vital to how we tell the story - incomplete without it.
11. As a band based in Manchester, how has the local music scene influenced Auraboros' development and sound?
We have more friends now for starters. We’ve been blessed with many opportunities and the sounds/people we’ve come across have helped to shape what our future records are going to sound like. We hope to collaborate with people a lot more than we have to this point.
12. What challenges have you faced as a band, and how have you overcome them to continue evolving and creating music?
The pandemic. Capitalism too, and time to a lesser extent. We’ve been able to continue to this point because we don’t have a choice. Speaking for myself, this is all I’ve ever wanted to do with my life, and if I’m not doing this, the alternative is much less exciting.
13. Are there any upcoming projects, collaborations, or tours that Auraboros fans can look forward to?
Contemplating is the first of many songs to drop this year; the next track will be available within the next month with an announcement on the bigger picture to follow. We hope to be playing more shows this year than we have any year previous.

14. Lastly, how do you see Auraboros evolving in the future, both musically and in terms of your message and impact?
We want to get weirder. We know at this point what the core Auraboros sound is; we want to see how we can shift that to be more chaotic whilst keeping the core sound. We’re looking forward to getting started on it. We hope the message hits harder as time goes on as things get collectively worse before it inevitably gets better.

Thank you for your time.

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