The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Welcome to our interview with Reverted, celebrating their new single "No Sympathy" and upcoming album "Beyond The Labyrinth." Dive into their creative process, inspirations, and the journey ahead.

1. Congratulations on the release of your new single "No Sympathy"! Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind the song and its themes of isolation and madness?
Song focus on inner frustration and rage when one is at the end of betrayal and toxic encounters we face on our daily lives while we unknowingly trade and abuse the feelings of those around us for a little taste at the top or better outcome.
Theme of the song brings to light these undeniable faulty traits we all posses, which some of willingly use more than some.
2. How does "No Sympathy" reflect the overall sound and direction of your upcoming album "Beyond The Labyrinth”?
No sympathy captures the mood the album in its perfect essence. Moody, suffocating, gritty and real. Reflecting on our core values and inner desperation and the struggle to resolve demons and addictions we succumb on this journey spiked with temptations. And the lack of sympathy we express. We all have faults, and some of them are all the way to the core.
3. The music video for "No Sympathy" has a haunting and cinematic quality. Could you share some insights into the creative process behind the video and working with director Adam Leader?
Working with Adam Leader was truly an inspiring experience. His unwavering attention to details and the vision to bring the story so the audiences understand and feel part of the story throughout was fascinating to watch. Relying on minimal surroundings in a confined space using only his vision and technique was absolutely masterful.
We look forward to working with Adam again on our epic release of ‘belljar’. Beyond the labyrinth’s third release.
4. "Beyond The Labyrinth" seems to mark a shift towards a darker style for Reverted. What motivated this change, and what can fans expect from the album in terms of themes and musical exploration?
Biggest shift will be down to maturity as musicians and people. Seeds we planted with first couple of records became fully ripe for the pickings when we started the writing process for Beyond the labyrinth. A more progressive and dynamic outcome we feel is what reverted settles best. Expect more of the same
5. How was the experience of working with producer Pedro Caparros on "Beyond The Labyrinth," and how did his contributions shape the album's sound?
Pedro Caparros has been a long friend of the band since the early days. We worked together on “Stripping the Worms” which started as a two song acoustic play around and ended being a full album, all due to the pleasure and comfort we felt with Pedro. Right then we knew Pedro Caparros will be producing our next record. His contribution is invaluable in this album. He helped shape the feel and mood of the album. His knowledge in music and understanding is unmatched, and the true hero of this record. We drove him absolutely crazy at times but he never lost vision of the big picture. A true professional.

6. Your previous albums, "Sputter the Worms" and "Stripping the Worms," showcased different aspects of Reverted's musical range. How does "Beyond The Labyrinth" build upon or depart from these earlier works?
In the first record songs had a more punk metal approach displaying our earlier rebellious teenage years, while Beyond the labyrinth has more darker, progressive even sentimental vibe with more intricate musical layers that expresses bands maturity in all its wonder.
7. Can you discuss the significance of the album title "Beyond The Labyrinth" and how it ties into the overall concept of the album?
Beyond the Labyrinth captures the perfect theme of the album. Dealing with addiction, paranoia and self destructive tendencies. If lucky, some of us overcome it all and find salvation and peace Beyond the Labyrinth.
8. What challenges did you face while creating "Beyond The Labyrinth," and how did you overcome them as a band?
Biggest challenge was maintaining the theme of the album we set out to achieve. With pandemic dropping right after we started the writing process. With so much time in our hands we gained in other areas.
9. Reverted has toured extensively and garnered a strong following over the years. How has your journey as a band influenced the sound and themes explored in your music?
We’ve always written songs that satisfies our thirst for music and our personal enjoyment. Audience relating to our songs and relating to our music makes it that little bit special.
10. The press release mentions a blend of soft and loud impulses on the album. How do you approach dynamics and contrast in your songwriting and arrangements?
The core of “Beyond the Labyrinth” is story line, and the music that supports and elevates that. Album is dynamically organic and very experientially immersive which are further heighten by the moments of sweet tender parts as well as more spitting outburst expressed throughout the album.

11. How do you see Reverted's evolution from your early EPs to "Beyond The Labyrinth," both musically and personally as artists?
Different things fulled us then compare to now. That has had the biggest impact on our approach to writing. Little more complexity and maturity musically and personally for all of us has brought us here and now. In early days we drank whisky and beer now we drink wine Lol.
12. Could you share some details about your upcoming tour plans or any live performances in support of the new album?
We’ve got few more videos to finalise for the record but we hope to get back on stage around August/September. We’re excited to play some of the new material to the crowd. And some old classic tunes like “Tolerance”
13. As a band, what message or emotion do you hope listeners take away from "No Sympathy" and "Beyond The Labyrinth" as a whole?
Essentially we want our fans to take what they want from the album. In the end, if it makes you happy and brightens up your day or helps you understand or relate to something thats is positive in your life, then we’ve achieved something truly inspirational. Or you just wanna listen to the record for the sake of all mighty Rock & Metal, thats also awesome.
14. What are some of the influences or inspirations that have shaped Reverted's sound and style over the years?
Influences were are lot more obvious on our earlier days, and everyone in the band is inspired by different style of music. Metallica, Tool, Soundgarden, Monster Magnet from vocal side. Here and now we have finally moulded all those influence into our very own representation and thats what “Beyond the Labyrinth” is essentially all about. Us doing us!
15. Finally, looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the future of Reverted, and what can fans anticipate beyond "Beyond The Labyrinth"?
We hope to create a follow up album of course in the next two years but for now we’ve got a whole bunch awesome songs we look forward to sharing with all of you

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