The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Ophiolatry's re-recorded track "Abyss of Alienation" delves into the courage of indigenous tribes facing invaders. In this interview, the band shares insights on their music, visuals, and future plans.

1-The re-recording of "Abyss of Alienation" from your 2008 album, Transmutation, carries a powerful narrative about the impact of invaders on an indigenous tribe practicing Ophiolatry. Can you elaborate on the inspiration behind this track and the message you aim to convey through its lyrics?

The inspiration behind this song is the courage that the indigenous peoples had in putting themselves in front, without lowering their heads that they were willing to die first before accepting orders from the invaders who cowardly came only to wreak havoc and loot the indigenous peoples.

The message we want to convey is the spirit of our ancestors runs through our veins and is more alive than ever.

2- The song's video is described as visually impactful, highlighting the plight of indigenous peoples. How did you approach the visual representation of such a profound and heavy subject matter?

It is an idea that we have been thinking about for a long time and apart from that Ophiolatry has indigenous cultural roots which facilitated the visual presentation.

3-The term "Ophiolatry" refers to the worship or attribution of divine nature to snakes. How did you come up with the band name, and what significance does it hold for you as musicians?

To explain the origin of this name, I will have to tell you a story:

“In my childhood I went through a traumatic experience, I was a witness to the rape of my sister when we lived near Amazonas, the act did not end due to the intervention of a neighbor and the rapist was chased by the residents of the fishing colony where he ended up being caught and There on the banks of the River Machado he was beheaded and quartered, days later his remains were found miles away regurgitated next to a skin abandoned by an enormous serpent. Everyone in the band had empathy for my story and felt the meaning of the snake to me, an animal that brought the necessary revenge to all the fears in the world. That's how the name Ophiolatry was born.

4-Your music is often described as having hypnotic riffs, brutal vocals, and crushing rhythms reminiscent of bands like Hate Eternal, Nile, and Steve Tucker-era Morbid Angel. How do these influences shape your sound, and how do you strive to make it uniquely Ophiolatry?

Everything is an influence for us, especially the aforementioned bands, which greatly influenced our formation as a musician. Since the formation of Ophiolatry, each musician contributed their own style and that, over time, made Ophiolatry a unique sound.

5-You mention the Amazon and a warlike indigenous tribe in the narrative of "Abyss of Alienation." How does the cultural and geographical context influence your music and lyrics as a band from Brazil?

As for geography, it is something that has been going on for many years, our drummer had spent his childhood in the Amazon where many things happened. In the cultural part, the indigenous peoples are very strong, there are even tribes that have not yet known any civilization. The lyrics of the music were created in 2008 in the form of rejection of the manipulations of religions and the narrative of the video was created especially for the video.

6-Having shared the stage with you in Belgium in 2004 with my band Litham, I have a personal connection to your live performance. How has your approach to live shows evolved over the years, and what can fans expect from an Ophiolatry live experience?

It was an incredible experience to have been able to share the stage in Belgium in 2004, Ophiolatry has fond memories of that time.

After a long break Ophiolatry is coming back with a new lineup, we can't wait to present the evolution of Ophiolatry to the public.

7-The narrative of the song touches on the indoctrination of Christian religions leading to alienation and subservience. How does your music address or reflect on societal and religious themes, and what role does it play in your artistic expression?

From the beginning Ophiolatry positioned itself against all political manipulations and religions. It is a topic that covers a lot in Brazil where many innocent people lost their lives due to the atrocities committed by religion.

We make clear that the blood shed by our ancestors was not in vain.

8-The re-recorded version of "Abyss of Alienation" features hypnotic riffs, brutal vocals, and crushing rhythms. How did you approach the process of re-recording, and what elements did you aim to enhance or bring out differently in this rendition?

We decided to re-record it for the presentation of the new members. Where it demonstrates a new era of Ophiolatry.

We're also slowing down tempo a bit to appreciate Abyss of Alienation crushing riffs much more.

9- The serpent spirits of warriors reincarnated in a multitude of new warriors seeking revenge is a compelling theme in your narrative. How does this concept tie into your broader musical and philosophical approach as a band?

All the roots come together. From the philosophical and musical training of Ophiolatry the concept is very clear of leaving an impactful message.

10- With the current state of the world, how do you see your music contributing to or commenting on the societal and political challenges we face today?

In this modern world that we live in, the same story repeats itself. Human beings seem to have never learned anything from the past. And as artists for us it is like a duty to face and transmit our feelings in the form of art.

11-Being a death metal band, the genre often explores dark and intense themes. How do you balance the heaviness of your music with the emotional and artistic aspects, ensuring a cohesive and engaging listening experience?

We put all our emotions and energy into the art we make and we let it flow naturally.

12- Looking ahead, what can fans anticipate from Ophiolatry in terms offuture releases, collaborations, or any other exciting projects on the horizon?

We have many releases and surprises that we are planning for this year. One of the highlights is the launch of the new studio album.

Gradually we will be releasing more information about the projects and launches for this year.


(8) Ophiolatry official - YouTube

Ophiolatry (@ophiolatry) • Photos et vidéos Instagram


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