The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Embark on the genesis of 'Realm of the Absurd' as Geezzup and M.A.L.I.C.E. craft a haunting black metal masterpiece. Explore themes, collaborations, and the immersive sonic abyss in this interview.

1.Can you tell us about the genesis of "Realm of the Absurd" and how the collaboration between Geezzup and M.A.L.I.C.E. came to fruition?
The bare bones of the release began festering some 20 long years ago in the back of the mind of our multi-instrumentalist Geezzup, who has been refining his craft for years and slowly whittling it down to his cuts of choice. After a few attempts at finding a voice to speak from the void he found the right conduit in the form of M.A.L.I.C.E, a fellow misfit from a different Isle who put the finishing layer to complete the journey into the arcane.
2. The album is described as a haunting journey into the abyss, blending instrumental prowess with powerful vocals.How did the concept for this black metal masterpiece evolve during the collaborative process?
It definitely became more blackened as time went on. Some of the original tracks had more of a swedish death metal sound, whereas the finished version has an undoubted influence from it, but is very much black metal overall.
3. In the band, Geezzup is responsible for all instrumental aspects, while M.A.L.I.C.E. handles the vocals.How does this division of roles contribute to the unique sound and atmosphere of the album?
We play to our strengths. Both of us play and sing in a variety of styles, but felt this combination
allowed us to utilise our skills best to put forward what we wanted to show.
4. You mentioned meeting online while looking for musicians. How did this virtual connection impact the creative process,and what challenges and advantages did it present compared to traditional in-person collaborations?
It doesn't restrict you to one place, to one area, at one time. This really is the chief advantage of working this way.
The main downside I would say is the amount of files you have to send back and forth to express ideas and show differences in the mixing process.
5. The band draws inspiration from 90s Black Metal and early 2000s. Can you elaborate on specific artists or albums that have significantly influenced your sound?
There's more than a hint of Old Man's Child and Dissection to our sound. Parts may put the listener in mind of Naglfar, too.

6. "Realm of the Absurd" is described as an immersive experience that blurs the boundaries between reality and the arcane.Can you share some insights into the thematic elements or inspiration behind the album as a whole?
Misanthropy, perversity, the need to hold mankind by a single neck and to throttle the life from it,
a cold melancholic rage that eats from within, a hatred of life, its occupants and its incessant gnawing through reality, tuning into the black oil that burns inside and allowing it to illuminate the path
7. Each song in the album is said to be a portal to a realm where darkness reigns supreme.
Can you briefly describe what some of the songs are about or the themes they explore?

I prefer the idea of the listener deriving their own meaning from it, guided by the song titles and the sonic assault, forming their own individual relationship with it. The sound is tuned to a certain part of the psyche, and it will speak with who it wishes to speak to
8. Considering the immersive nature of your music, how do you envision the listener's experience when diving into the sonic abyss of "Realm of the Absurd"?
It's a release of six parts, each giving their own unique sensation and pull at the imagination.
Some will likely give feelings of triumph, of destruction, of darkness, of morbid beauty and ultimately, despair. Best consumed alone at night.
9. What led you to choose the title "Realm of the Absurd" for the album, and how does it encapsulate the essence of your music?
It sums up the overall concept, the mantra from its members, and its message to the nevervoid
10. Are there any particular tracks on the album that hold special significance for the band or that you would recommend as a starting point for listeners unfamiliar with your work?
The First track on the album have been writen 20 years ago by Geezzup. It was made when Black Metal was at his peak and it clearly show the sound and atmosphere of that time. A state of mind that can't be done these days.

11. The description mentions the album as a blackened symphony. Can you delve into the musical elements and arrangements that contribute to creating this symphonic quality in your sound?
It's a Blackened symphony of guitars actually. Beside the first track, no pianos, synth, bass or any arrangements are add. We got 4 to 10 guitar layers on each track to create the atmosphere and the symphonic sound
12. As musicians hailing from Canada and the UK, do you feel that your geographic locations influence your musical style or themes in any way?
Yes, it's cold and miserable in both countries and their inhabitants make us want to be isolationist misanthropes. Only people who don't live there think it's a good place to be. Majority got no soul and do only what they are told.
13. Considering the blend of blisteringly cold and furious yet melodic and catchy elements in your music, how do you strike a balance between these contrasting elements to create a cohesive sonic experience?
That's the magic of an ADHD brain. It all appear clear at night in my head and I go to the working station making the magic happen. 80% of the riffs come from my head first without playing them. I find the note after.
14. How has the response been to "Realm of the Absurd" so far, and have there been any reactions or feedback from fans that stood out to you?
The feedback is inctredible. For a 2 man army project with no budget at all, we are more than satisfied with the results. Our Split album with In Seance on the French Label Hate Life Production is the top of our achievement and we are proud to be working with the Black Metal community

15. Looking ahead, do you have any plans for future projects or collaborations, and what can fans expect from Geezzup and M.A.L.I.C.E. in the coming months?
For Misanthropic Therapy, Geezzup started the writing process for a next release but there is no deadline. M.A.L.I.C.E. have several projects going on in differents style and Geezzup got an EP coming for his Metalcore/Melodeath band called The Sheep Destroyer Crew later this year.
Stay tuned!

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