The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

In this heartfelt interview, we delve into the world of Rictus of Rage, a band whose journey has been marked by passion, challenges, and a poignant tribute to the late Jeff Watson. Join Mike Masser as he shares insights into the band's formation, influences, and the profound impact of Jeff's legacy on their music.

1. Can you introduce the band members and their roles?
Jeff Watson Singer \ Mike Masser all instruments.

2. How did Rictus of Rage come together, and what's the story behind the band's formation?
We meet in Jr High School and started a band in High School. We have been friends since then.
I went on to do other projects threw the years. After I had some time away, Jeff and I started talking about doing something together. That was the start of Rictus of Rage

3. Who or what are the main musical influences that shape the sound of Rictus of Rage?
We have a ton of influences. Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Tool, Pink Floyd to name a few.

4. Have you had the opportunity to perform at any notable gigs, festivals, or events? Any memorable experiences you'd like to share?
Unfortunately, we released the album right in the middle of the Covid year. So, there wasn’t much we could do during that time. Now that things got back to normal, sadly Jeff passed away and that will put an end to any live shows.

5. Are there any interesting or amusing anecdotes from the band's journey that you'd like to share with your fans?
It was a challenge recording the Album and EP for Rictus of Rage. At the time we were living in 2 different states. I would write the music and send it to Jeff to write lyrics. I would help on lyrics if Jeff needed, but I would try to let him write most of the lyrics. When it came to recording the albums, he would have to fly out here to record his vocals. I would have all the music ready and recorder, so all he would need to do is lay down his vocal track and I would Finnish the mixing. Jeff moved the where I live right after we put out Variant. That is when we were able to make the videos for Silent weapons and Dreams of Deathbed.

6. We understand that Jeff Watson, the vocalist, passed away last year. How has this affected the band, and how do you plan to honor his legacy?
I would say it has affected the band dramatically. Jeff was 50 percent of the band. I don’t see Rictus continuing without Jeff, unless it is something to honor him. I hope to get this music out there to keep his legacy alive and share what Jeff did.

7. Considering your influences like Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Metallica, and Tool, how do you incorporate these diverse elements into your music?
I don’t think we try not sound like any of these bands directly. I know there are probably elements in our songs that reflect some of these bands, but any similarity is accidental.

8. Do you have any memorable quotes from past reviews that capture the essence of Rictus of Rage's music?
The best thing I heard when someone listed to the first EP was this is scary and dark. After I heard that I thought then we did our job right.

9. Where was your latest album recorded, and who was involved in its production?
It was all pretty much Jeff and I. We asked our Friend LaVell AKA Zoo Keepa to do the rap portion in Silent Weapons, but other than that it was only Jeff and I.

10. Is there a specific ethos or theme behind your latest album, and how does it relate to the current societal landscape?
On both the EP and the album we tried to hold a mirror up the the darkness in society. Show the underbelly of the things that we have just grown accustomed to in the world. The things we should be outraged about, but have grown numb too.

11. Can you give us a brief overview of what the songs on the album are about, or highlight a couple of tracks that hold significant meaning for the band?
Well Silent Weapons is about how the media pushes it’s own agendas and divides people.
No matter what subject or side you are on, It happens throughout. Since the beginning of 24 hour news, they have needed to invent things to take up time, and in doing so have started these opinion shows that people take as news or facts, unknowingly it is the host’s opinions.

12. How does the band navigate the creative process, especially when addressing societal issues through your music?
We just write what bothers us in society. If we see something that bugs us we wrote about it.

13. Are there plans for any music videos for tracks from the latest album?
We have 2 videos out and that will probably be the only videos released.

14. Given the current circumstances, how has the inability to play live shows impacted Rictus of Rage, and how do you plan to stay connected with your audience?
I’m not sure we can anymore. This will be the last thing we do as Rictus of Rage.
I hope this will keep Jeff’s legacy alive for years to come.

15. What's next for Rictus of Rage? Any upcoming projects or directions the band is heading towards?
Unfortunately, with Jeff passing away last year there will be no more plans for Rictus of Rage

16. As a closing note, is there a message you would like to share with your fans or anything you'd like them to know about Rictus of Rage?
I want to thank all of the people that supported us and gave us encouragement. I wish Jeff could be here to see the reaction of what we made together.

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