The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Get ready to dive into the world of The Urban Complex. In this interview, the band shares their roots, unique fusion of industrial crossover metalcore, the story behind their EP "Natural Selection," and more. Discover their music and message.

1. Can you introduce The Urban Complex and tell us about the band's background and how you all came together?
The Urban Comples started early in 2023 when myself and Kim (bass) decided we wanted to return to our roots and play some tuned down guitar sounds. We are both experienced musicians and have collaborated in mańy rock projects over the last 20 years.

2. Your music is described as industrial crossover metalcore. How did you arrive at this unique fusion of genres, and what influences have shaped your sound?
There was a conscious decision on our part to try and combine elements of metal and modern beats, I'm not actually sure what genre it is, some have comented that there is also an 80's vibe to some of the sound.

3. In October 2023, you released a 4-song EP titled "Natural Selection." Can you share the inspiration and themes behind this EP?
We are working on an album, but as we have quite a lot of material we thought it would be nice to release something a bit earlier in the form of an EP, The Title itself is a dig at the state of the world we live in today.

4. What was the creative process like for "Natural Selection"? How did you go about selecting the tracks and crafting the overall concept?
Most of the writing was done in my newly built studio in my backyard, here I have the chance to go our and record riffs and ideas at the flick of a switch. Its a fantastic luxury to have, and something I wish I had built earlier. I also love that i always have the possibility to record ideas on my phone at any point.

5. Denmark has a rich history of music. How has your country's music scene influenced your band, and what do you think makes your sound stand out within it?
I am Scottish, but moved to Denmark almost 25 years ago, so I loved learning a whole new musical culture. I grew up listening to a lot of Swedish Death Metal, but it wasnt until I moved to Denmark that I started really getting into the Danish Scene. My musical influences are wide and varied, but Danish rock bands like Dizzy Mizz Lizzy and D.A.D are huge favourites of mine.

6. Can you describe the dynamics and collaboration within the band when it comes to songwriting and creating your music?
Just now The vast majority of the song writting is by myself, although Kim is always there to give advice and ideas for the songs, The plan is to do more joint song writing towards our album.

7. Industrial and metalcore are known for their intense and often heavy themes. How do you approach conveying those emotions in your music and live performances?
I dont think you plan these things, they just seem to come about naturally. Apart from the decision to use a drum machine rather than a live drummer, everything else has just fallen into place.

8. Are there specific artists or bands that have been major influences on The Urban Complex's music and style?
I love bands like Ministry and Godflesh in terms of industrial music, Otherwise I am a huge Entombed fan and their infuence in Death n' roll, and I'm especially a huge fan of Nicke Andersson. As someone who has also written and played music in many different genres, I can really appreciate how talented a musician he is.

9. How do you see your music evolving and changing over time, especially in the context of your latest EP release?
I quite like the niche we have found ourselves in just now, but nothing ever stands still, and every week I hear some music that inspires me and gives me creative ideas.

10. What's the story behind the title "Natural Selection" for your EP, and how does it tie into the themes of your music?
Like I mentioned before, Its a bit of a dig at the world we live in just now, not in a political sense, more in relation to the the growing distance and polarized views we experience. we have the worlds knowledge at our fingertips, but seem unable to sort the truth amongst the shit.

11. The EP artwork and visuals often play a significant role in conveying the band's image and message. Can you share some insights into your artistic choices in this regard?
I had the idea of the blood moon and a "fire" tsunami to symbolize the "natural selection" theme. the red and black colour scheme is something that will be repeated in later releses, merch etc

12. Can you tell us about any memorable moments or challenges you faced during the production and recording of "Natural Selection"?
The fact that we haven't been time limited by studio costs has been fantastic, we can go back again and again to touch up small details. Being able to "sleep on it" and listen to a track again, fresh , is a huge plus.

13. What do you hope your listeners take away from your music, both in terms of the emotions it conveys and the messages it carries?
I just hope people enjoy it, theres nothing better than someone listening to your music and reacting in a positive way. Its why we all do what we do :)

14. How has the band's experience of performing live evolved since the EP's release, and what can fans expect from your live shows?
We are working on our live show at present, so I can't say too much, but it will involve a lot of visuals.

15. Are there any upcoming projects or new music on the horizon for The Urban Complex that you can give us a sneak peek into?
We hope to have our first album ready for release early next year, details will follow :)

16. In the world of industrial crossover metalcore, there's often a distinctive fan base. What would you say to those fans, and how do you hope to connect with them through your music?
Again, I just hope that fans of those genres, and others take to our songs, positive feedback from fans is one of the best things we experience. I love when someone contacts us to say they like the music, it makes it all worthwhile.

(38) The Urban Complex - YouTube

The Urban Complex (@theurbancomplexdk) • Instagram photos and videos

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