The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Get to know Paracrona in this interview where they share insights into their band name, creative process, and the themes explored in their debut album "Sun God." Discover their unique blend of influences, the impact of working with a renowned producer, and their aspirations for the future. Learn about their journey, challenges, and the special moments that have shaped their music. Stay tuned for their upcoming Scandinavian tour and find their music on various platforms.

1.Can you tell us about the origin of the band name "Paracrona" and its significance to your music?

Ringo:Well, at the balcony of the apartment I was living in Oslo, I thought; what will I call the band. At the very moment it just came and I said it outloud: PARACRONA. Straight from Spiritworld.

2."Sun God" is your debut release. Can you describe the creative process and inspiration behind this album?

Øystein: We had like one or two studio sessions (more or less) a week, for 3 years. I would go to Ringo's and we'd sit in the studio noodeling around with about 3 tracks a session, so we could switch between songs everytime we got stuck with writer's block. We could sit for 12 to 15 hours a session writing.  As for inspiration for my instrumentation, it's the music I grew up with you know, like 90's death, thrash and black metal. 


3.The album explores themes of ancient systems and inner strength. What inspired you to delve into these topics, and how do they resonate with your music?

Ringo: Well, there are ancient systems to control the world based on torture. They are steered by EgoGreed. They deseive with Media MassHypnosis and pseudo-science. To get loose and break free from the created matrix you have to find the inner strenght to rise above it. Together we stand strong. We should help eachother, there is enough people who get depressed and have got their life destroyed by the peope in power. We need to see through the layers of deception that sinks humanity down. Physically and mentally. Stand strong against suppressors in every form. Protect your natural immunesystem and free speach.

 4."Sun God" has been mixed and mastered by Fredrik Nordström, a renowned figure in the metal scene. How did this collaboration come about, and what impact did it have on the album's sound?

Ringo: I just was thinking about who would understand our sound, so my thoughts went right away to him. Then I told Siri to contact him, he responded and then we basically just worked together.

He really gave the feeling we wanted for this album!

Øystein: It had a huge impact on our sound! At the time we didn't have much experience with mixing and could hardly work a compressor, so it definitely was necessary to hire a skilled producer like Nordström. We also like his previous work and have been listening a lot to his productions over the years since we were teenagers.

5.Your band is based in Norway and the Netherlands. How has the combination of these two cultural backgrounds influenced your music?

Øystein:  It added some unexpected turns to the overall sound for sure. I'm probably more metal focused when it comes to guitar playing and writing. As Ringo brought more abstract and pop influenced material to the table. That became the sound and it works well I think.

Ringo: Yes, it was a very fun experiance. We also do listen to lots of the same music, but like Øystein said, I also have lots of pop, rock, hardrock, rock and roll in me and ofcourse classical music. And it works awesomly, it defenately is some uniqueness in it hehehe.

6.The album release faced several delays, including the pandemic and personal challenges. How did you navigate these obstacles, and did they have any unexpected effects on the album's direction?

Ringo :Well it was just a waiting process because of the unnecessary lockdown.

And then in 2o21 cancer was detected. It made it immpossible to do the music video that year.  Since I had to do chemo therapy My long hair was gone so I had to change style for the music video, but the story stayed the same 😊

7.Can you share some insights into the lyrical and musical themes of specific tracks on "Sun God"? Are there any particular songs that hold special meaning for you?

Øystein: Personally I love the breakdown on "Sun God" with the ambient riff at first before it goes into this fragile clean guitar and then into total headbanging mode! To me that there is exactly why I love metal music.

Ringo:Well, in Carry the Cross I talk about that; I have troubles to get around but yet I have to be the saint...

That was really me, I always helped people so much, put them in front of my own needs, then they expected that of me ALWAYS. So people just used me.

8.Your music is described as "blackened death metal." How do you approach blending these two distinct subgenres, and what sets your sound apart from others in the genre?

Øystein:  It just sort of happens when in writing mode, since I'm an avid fan of both genres. It's alot of work in the studio to make it flow well. Lately I've been trying to find bands that sound like us, but did not succeed. I think we have a special sound that only we possess.

Ringo: Well, we are our own genre and it is fun to stand out. It just naturally happens without trying. It just became what we wanted to hear without any thought of genre-branding-melange.


9.For listeners who are new to Paracrona, how would you introduce your music, and what can they expect from a live performance?

Ringo :Spiritual growing music with thoughness, showing the true pains in this world.

The music will take you for a journey 😊

Live we will give amazing shows. I think when people pay for seeing you live they should get entertained and that’s what I will make sure happens and ofcoure we play also very good live :P 

10. What are your musical influences, both within the metal genre and outside of it?

Øystein: Thrash metal, Death metal, Black metal, prog metal, classical music and avantgarde.

Ringo: blackmetal death metal prog metal classical music pop rock and roll 80s music mongolian music, Spiritual music

11. Norway has a rich history of metal music. How has the Norwegian metal scene influenced your band's development and identity?

Ringo; I listen to lots of Norways music and its still my favorite of all time the norwegian blackmetal, first and second wave. The shows, the aesthetics from it, the darkness that other music never gave me, it’s a feeling of power for sure, And well, I became my own identity, I shedded my skin and became my own look.

Øystein: I grew up with the 2nd wave black metal and started listening to metal music at a very early age. It has a big impact on how I go about writing.

12."Sun God" is set to be released on May 24, 2023. What are your expectations and hopes for the album's reception by both fans and critics?

Øystein: I hope people like it! We already recieved some good reviews, so it looks promising at the moment.

Ringo: I hope people give it a try, to be open for somthing new. Well I expected people would be  hungry for more after and it so looks like it 😊

13. As a band, what are your future goals and aspirations for Paracrona? Are there any upcoming projects or tours that fans can look forward to?

Ringo :Well, we are very hard underway for the second album and we are trying to set up a Scadinavian tour first, so keep your eyes peeled for that 😉

14.Are there any standout moments or anecdotes from your musical journey with Paracrona that you'd like to share with your fans?

Ringo: We won 3 awards in Los Angeles and New York for the best music and musicvideo;

Carry the Cross. And we won one Emmy in Tchecoslovaquia.


15. Lastly, where can fans find your music, and how can they stay updated on your latest news and events?

Ringo:Our facebook page and for our infomation and getting merch and cd

Music on spotify youtube bandcampand much more please follow and subscribe .

Thank you for having us!

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