The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal


In this interview with Steve, the visionary behind The Word66, we learn about the band's origins, their mission as a Christian rock band, the positive impact of their music, and their highly anticipated album 'Rock & Roll Preaching.' Steve shares insights into the band's sound, collaborations, and influences, highlighting their ability to balance intensity with uplifting messages. He also opens up about his personal journey back to faith and how it has shaped their music. The interview touches on their goals, songwriting process, live performances, advice for aspiring musicians, and a message of gratitude to their fans.

1. Can you tell us about the origins of The Word66? How did the band come together and what inspired you to form a Christian rock band?

Absolutely. A lot of people are not aware of the fact that there are 66 books in the Bible, and the Bible is considered the word. That's how we came up with the name. Forming a Christian rock band, I believe is my purpose. It was a calling for me. I called the new record Rock & Roll Preaching because I feel that essentially it's what we do. When I received the calling, I started searching for the band members and actually found our now, ex drummer, through a music paper, which got the ball rolling.

2. As a Christian rock band, what is the main message or purpose behind your music?

It is always to spread a positive message. People need to know that they are never alone. Our father (God), is always there to help you get through some of your toughest times. We have been told many times that people did not know that we are a Christian band until they look into our story. We are proud to be able to represent in a metal kind of way.

3. Your debut single, "On the way to the promise land," reached #1 on various radio station playlists. How did it feel to receive such a positive response, and what impact do you hope your music has on listeners?

It was pretty cool. We have all been in other bands before and receiving a certain degree of success is always hard to do. Especially in such a niche kind of market. The motivation is that we are spreading a positive message in a world that can use a message of prosperity and hope. If we reach a high level of success, that would be great, but it is not all that we seek. We get a lot of radio play in the non-Christian world and we are hoping to bring some comfort and a possible needed change in some people lives. Hearing this music can be a great place to begin.

4. Your upcoming album, 'Rock & Roll Preaching,' is highly anticipated. Could you give us a glimpse into the sound and themes that we can expect from this new release?

Some of the new tracks have a bit of a heavier sound. Our latest track 'The Chosen One' is a pretty rocking metal track that is currently charting all over the world. Plus, we have Danny Miranda from Queen and Blue Oyster Cult playing bass on the new tracks. We also have a balled that will be released soon called 'How Will I Know,' which is about a single guy wondering when God is going to send them that special person. It's actually a true story coming from my heart. A little bit of a mixed bag of treats!

5. How did the collaboration with bassist Danny Miranda come about for your new single, "The Chosen One"? What was it like working with someone who has such an impressive musical background?

Danny is from the same area that I am from. I was very familiar with his work and we have also recorded in some of the same studios. Our producer, Vinnie Castaldo, was also a good friend of his and he sent him our tracks and he was into it. He provided some pretty awesome bass lines.  He's a great bassist. It was more of a long distance collaboration. At least for the moment!

6. Your band draws inspiration from various artists, including Sabbath, Shinedown, Creed, Disciple, and Thousand Foot Krutch. How do you infuse these influences into your own unique sound?

Good question! Those are some of my favorite bands. I think they have a kind of subliminal influence on your writing style. Although you might not really exactly sound like those bands, I guess you draw from it deep within and out comes The Word66. If that makes any sense? Sabbath and Toni Iommi are probably my most influential band. I was into them as a little kid and the music was so powerful. Toni is like the father of the power cord.

7. The review mentioned that you "rock as hard as your favorite bands." How do you balance the intensity of rock music with the positive and uplifting messages of your lyrics?

We mention that phrase because there are a lot of people that don't know what Christian hard rock or metal is, or that it actually exists. Admittedly, I was once one of those people. As mentioned, those who are not familiar with us usually just rock to the music because it just rocks! We are blessed to be able to do that while eliciting a message of hope.

8. Steve, you mentioned that you had lost your way from religion and your love for playing music for many years until God brought you back. Can you share more about that personal journey and how it has influenced your music?

I did not grow up with any kind of religion. It's something I found later on in life. Honestly, my life kind of sucked and I didn't know where to turn. I friend turned me on to some Christian rock, and being a musician, it was a big turning point for me. Unfortunately, things took a turn again later on, and I lost my way for a while. Being in a band and working so hard to make things happen can really mess you up when it seems like your efforts are in vain. I needed to put my ax down for a while to get the creative juices flowing again. Finding God again, and realizing that making music for him was my motivation. I believe he called me back to fulfill my purpose he had in store for me when I was created.

9. What has been the most memorable or impactful moment for the band so far in your musical career?

We kind of touched on it a little earlier. Going into the studio and recording our 1st EP. Really going in with a divine purpose. And, being welcomed with open arms with our first singe buy Christian and non-Christian sources gave me the validation that this was real, and an amazing blessing, with so much more to come.

10. How do you approach songwriting as a band? Do you collaborate on the lyrics and music, or does each member have a specific role in the process?

I write all of the music and lyrics. From that point, we kind of jam until it's fine tuned. I pretty much know how all of the instruments should go and I do some silly voice instruments to the guys and we embellish from there.

11. Can you share any specific stories or experiences where your music has touched the lives of your fans or had a positive impact on them?

Yes. You have some really good questions. The things that some of our fans have told us, the amazing responses we get from radio stations and magazines, such as yours, and some of the emails we receive. The fans tell us how uplifting our music is and how it has helped them through some hard times. It's so heartwarming and pretty surreal that people are hearing our messages and it's, in some way, touching their lives. Again, verifying that we are doing God's work. It's what we call 'Rock & Roll Preaching.' How amazing is that?

12. What are your goals and aspirations for The Word66 in the near future and beyond?

The main goal is to spread the word to as many people as we can. I believe that there are many people who need to hear our massages and to let them know that there are other options out there for them to look into. We also want to get back in the studio soon because we have a lot of really cool tracks to record. We are also looking for a record deal that will help to take us to the next level. We do have several offers on the table but still shopping around. We were signed to Curtain Call but that did not work out. And of course get out and tour in the US and overseas.


13. How do you incorporate your faith and spirituality into your live performances? Are there any rituals or traditions that you follow as a band before going on stage?

That all depends upon the audience. If we are playing in front of fellow Christians, we will take a little time to praise God and Christ and let them know that we are all gathered for that reason. If it is a non-Christian crowd will keep that to a minimum and just rock the house. In regards to any rituals, just a quick prayer that we will be successful in spreading the music and that we will perform flawlessly and give the crowd a very memorable show.


14. What advice do you have for aspiring musicians who want to create meaningful and impactful music in today's industry?

First and foremost, try took look at you music objectively. Determine if it is really good enough to get you there. Are you professional musicians? It is also extremely important that you have a really good vocalist. I have been in bands where I played guitar and did the lead vocals. It took me a while to realize that I am not a great vocalist. That will be a dream killer. Are you as good as the bands on the radio? Do not submit non professional tracks anywhere. You are going to need to go into a good studio and make professional sounding tracks, unless you happen to be a Protools wizard and can do it yourself. It's also going to take a ton of time to make the right contacts. Tons of research and time. Make sure you have a great bio, EPK and cover letters. Needless to say, it is not easy!


15. Is there anything else you would like to share with your fans and our readers? Any upcoming projects or messages you'd like to convey? 

We ask that you listen to our music with an open mind. As mentioned, we rock. Odds are that if you did not know about the band, you would just dig the music. There are so many cool Christian metal bands out there that you should know. I would suggest that you look up some of the bands and add them to your playlist. Slowly acclimate yourself to another genre that you are missing out on. You never know, it might spark some inertest in you to lean a little bit more. Please look us up on the socials and like, follow and subscribe. Leave a cool comment. Help support us by purchasing our music and merch. 

Thank you for this awesome interview and wising you and everyone a blessed life. J


The Word66 - Christian Rock Band, Christian Music, Jesus, God


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