The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

 Get ready to dive into the origin story of Ludditian, a solo venture born out of accumulated song structures and riffs. Discover the fearless blend of death metal, black metal, and hardcore that defines their unique sonic signature. Get ready to experience the relentless brutality and raw essence of Ludditian.

  1. Can you share with us the origin story of Ludditian and how the band came to be? I had accumulated a cache of potential song structures, demos, and riffs over the course of a few years. After failed attempts of integrating them in a couple of band settings I decided to focus solely on writing and self releasing my own material. I wanted the title “Ludditian” to evoke a fear of technology, fear of change, or progress.
  2. Ludditian's music is often described as a ferocious blend of death metal, black metal, and hardcore. How did you develop this unique sonic signature, and what inspired you to combine these genres? I grew up fortunate enough to hear many different styles of music but I gravitated toward heavier music most notably System Of A Down in elementary school then Sepultura and Slayer and inevitably into heavier bands: Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Portal, Goatwhore, Ulcerate, and so many others. I grew up playing guitar and was mostly self taught. I always wanted to write and release my own music.
  3. As the sole member behind Ludditian, how do you manage the creative process of writing and composing music, lyrics, and playing multiple instruments? I’m very task oriented but it’s easy for me to get caught up in everyday life with my family and job so I find it best to document ideas as they come, be it on my phone or just jotting down lyrics, rhythms, or riff ideas. But I feel the best overall approach is to organize material into a designated release for a project and tick off items that need to occur in order for the release to happen: hiring a vocalist, hiring an artist, writing riffs, or tracking parts. In other words I’m always working in some capacity to create material but especially with Ludditian lately as I’m wrapping up a single and an another EP.
  4. Your compositions evoke a wide range of emotions, from rage to haunting melancholy. What drives you to explore such diverse emotional landscapes in your music, and how do you achieve that balance within your compositions? I try to tell a story and I make a conscious decision to not let any aspect be superfluous. There’s no need for me to release 8 songs if I don’t have to or if I want to write a 14 minute song then I can. The important thing is the story or overall theme. With Ludditian I’m conveying my fears and negative emotions into a healthy outlet that is also very fun and cathartic.
  5. Ludditian's lyrics delve into existential themes and the darker aspects of the human condition. Could you tell us more about the lyrical inspiration and the messages you aim to convey through your music? I’m a huge fan of true crime, non-fiction, current events, as well as science fiction. The debut EP focused on human conflict and technological supplantation. I can write all day about those things in and of themselves but I plan on using the theme of technology or progress and what it represents as far as its price in future releases.
  6. How does the Hampton Roads, Virginia music scene influence and support Ludditian's artistic journey? Hampton Roads and Richmond are rich with talent and I’m very fortunate to call this place home with the likes of bands such as Diseased Earth, Alcindor, Site Of Suffering, Autopsy Affair, Lair, & Blackwater Drowning
  7. What challenges have you faced as an independent artist, and how have you overcome them while maintaining Ludditian's uncompromising vision? Finding vocalists that I want to work with has been a challenge! I love the work that Cammie did on the debut but I can’t get a hold of him to ask him to collaborate again. Everything else from starting my business, registering my works, and working with a distributor has been an interesting journey!
  8. Ludditian's sound is characterized by crushing heaviness, blistering speed, and intricate melodic passages. How do you strike a balance between these elements to create a cohesive and powerful sonic experience? Achieving balance isn’t my priority as much as conveying certain feelings, emotions, and storytelling are. But I’ve always been a fan of bands like The Absence, Carcass, Bölzer, and Wolfbrigade, as well as artists like Tycho, Pinkish Black, and Drab Majesty. So I guess I’m just subconsciously melding aspects of heavy and trippy together.

  9. Are there any specific moments or experiences in your musical career that have stood out as particularly memorable or significant to you? Starting my own LLC and releasing my own material was a big step for me and I’m glad that I did it because I retain full creative control over my body of work and I can more easily negotiate with people since it’s just me.
  10. Ludditian's music is known for its relentless brutality. How do you maintain that intensity and energy in your live performances? Ludditian has yet to perform live but I can say that I’m looking forward to assembling the right crew of people to perform live with.
  11. Are there any plans for collaboration with other artists or musicians in the future, and if so, what excites you about the potential of those collaborations? I have a few artists that I’d love to do splits and collaborate with. I’m very interested in possibly going a different route and collaborating with independent film makers or designers to create and release unique products that aren’t your typical formats.
  12. Ludditian's music often explores the bleakness of the human experience. How do you see your music connecting with listeners on a deeper level, and what kind of impact do you hope to make with your art? I feel a calling to release my music and if people enjoy it that’s great, but my priority has always been to create. Everyone inherently has negative qualities and struggles that they endure and Ludditian explores that conflict.
  13. How do you approach the process of recording and producing Ludditian's music to capture the raw and aggressive essence of your sound? My recording set up is very straight forward and simple: I split my guitar and bass signal at my pedalboard from a Radial DI box into my interface as well as running a mic’d up cab where I typically blend my DI signal/plugin and cab. I use Logic Pro to lay down my demos and then I export my stems to an engineer once I’m ready to mix & master. There’s no talisman or shortcuts to making good music it’s just comes down to refining and writing.
  14. Can you share any insights into your future musical direction and what fans can expect from Ludditian in terms of upcoming releases or projects? I have a single ready for release as well as a 6 song EP that I’m in the process of wrapping up. I’m focusing on refining the heavy aspect of Ludditian and sharing narratives that I think should be heard.
  15. As a musician dedicated to extreme music, what does the future hold for Ludditian, and what are your aspirations and goals moving forward? With Ludditian I’m hoping to release more material this year as well as network with more artists, labels, and anyone who would love to collaborate. I just want to make good music.


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