The Total Sound Of The Undergound

Lelahel Metal

Howard, thank you for joining us today. Let's start by delving into the creation of your debut album, "hanc aeternum, infinitum nihil 23.23." What inspired you to delve into the occult-themed concept and tell the story of Serenity's ill-fated journey? 

Thanks for this opportunity. The concept of my Debut album just came to me one day. When I write poetry, stories and/or music, a thought just enters my mind and I go with it. I have never sat down and planned on writing anything. It always just happens out of nowhere. So there was no inspiration from an outside source. It simply flowed from my first thought about her story.

As a multi-instrumentalist, you took on the challenge of playing all the instruments on the album. How did you manage to capture the essence of doom metal using your unique approach, particularly with the unconventional use of a 5-string bass guitar for the guitar work?
I knew from the early stages of writing the songs that I was going to do all that I could to NOT sound like anyone else, so I worked hard to create my own bass tone...because I knew that I was going to do everything on my 5 string bass. I developed the crazy-heavy tone that you hear and knew that was what I wanted to hear. I also knew that my bass playing and tone, my drumming and my vocal/songwriting style would also seperate me from sounding like anyone else, too. That has (and will) always mean everything to me.

Your bass guitar tone is described as very heavy, which adds a distinctive element to your sound. Could you tell us more about how you developed this unique lead bass guitar tone and how it enhances the overall atmosphere of the album?
I spent months developing my uniquely heavy bass tone. I only used 2 pedals to acheive that sound. After much experimentation, and when I got it dialed in and truly heard my tone for the first time, I fucking screamed out in elation because I knew that was it! I knew that what I had just developed was going to help capture the overall essence and severity of Serenity's well as encapsulate the raw, chaotic sound of

The song titles on the album reference different stages of Serenity's journey. Could you walk us through the evolution of the story and how each song contributes to her eventual collision with the Dark Netherworld? 
The songs and their respective titles do mark that progression. But I really don't want to reveal too much because I am currently writing a Short Story to coincide with the concept and occult theme of the album. Let's just say be careful what you wish for.

In addition to the music, you mentioned that there will be a short story accompanying the album. Can you provide us with any insights into the storyline and its connection to the music? And when can we expect the release of the book? 
The story will fill in most every blank (but not all) that the songs themselves create. The story line is that of disgust, want, betrayal and destruction. I really don't want to divulge any other pertinent information. 

Doom metal is a genre known for its heavy, dark, and mysterious sound. How did you ensure that your drumming, songwriting/arranging, and vocal style stood out and created a unique identity for within the genre? 
The dark and mysterious nature of Doom Metal is definitely what drew me in. My playing and songwriting styles are respectively well suited for Doom Metal. This project and album was my first attempt at doing lead vocals. They came out as being pretty dark and mysterious, and some say that they're even mournful and brooding. So in that respect, I feel like I naiied it. All of this helps stand out as being very original.

The album's title, "hanc aeternum, infinitum nihil 23.23," has a Latin translation that suggests eternal nothingness. What does this title mean to you and how does it encapsulate the themes and atmosphere of the album? 
The translation is "this eternal, infinite nothing 23.23", and that's basically how I feel about this current existence I'm suffering through. There have been and there will be other lifetimes for me, so that gives me some hope. The number 23.23 is something deeply personal for me, but I did release the album on Feb 3, 2023 (2.3.23) as a means of paying homage to my cherished numerical sequence.

As an artist, how do you explore the balance between crafting immersive stories through your lyrics while also delivering impactful, heavy music? What role does storytelling play in your approach to doom metal? 
I feel like the story telling aspect is vital to the overall feeling of the album and it's occult-themed concept. The balance between the concept and the music is merged as one through the unapologetic chaos that I inflict upon the listener. This is accomplished through my off-time drum parts, the intentional "brown notes" that confuse your inner ears, and my often mysterious and unintelliigible vocals...they all serve to force you into diving deeper, and well-below the surface of the album to gain an insight that will transcend anything you think you already understand.

In doom metal, there are often dark and brooding vocal styles. How did you develop your own unique vocal style, and how does it contribute to the overall atmosphere and narrative of the album? 
As I previously said, this was my first attempt at recording lead vocals. I was suffering and slowly recovering from a bad case of Covid when I recorded them. So, they came out the way you hear them. I actually liked what I heard and it felt good to do them that way. I figure that we probably wouldn't understand much on a superficial level if we were communicating with a Dark being from the Netherworld, so the way my vocals turned out truly did that justice.

Serenity's journey culminates in being consumed by the Dark Netherworld through a Dream Daemon. Can you explain the significance of this event within the concept of the album and the impact it has on the listener's experience? 
Everyone knows about sleep paralysis. Who's to say that when that happens, it's actually a Dream Daemon attempting to lure you in and consume your mortal soul and energy...removing you from this plane and enslaving you in theirs? To your friends and family, you "woke up dead", or died in your sleep. But to you, you became a Daemon.Slave for eternity ... Why not? Is that too far-fetched? I don't think it is.

The concept and themes of occultism are prevalent in your music. Can you share any personal interests or inspirations that have influenced your exploration of these dark and mysterious elements?
I don't have any real world inspirations. And I don't follow anyone's teachings or anything like that. I'm my own man. I'm my own god. I have my own sense of consciousness that makes sense to my own levels of being. So, that translates into my poetry and story writing style.

With "hanc aeternum, infinitum nihil 23.23" as your debut album, what do you hope listeners will take away from the experience of immersing themselves in the world of Is there a particular emotional or intellectual response you aim to evoke? 
I want anyone who listens to my music to hear more than just music and words. Each song lives on it's own level, yet is in sync with the next. I urge all to ride that slowly growing swell of dark musical energy, from one song to the next...while soaking in every chaotic nuance that I personally delivered. Close your eyes and play it loud as fuck when you do!!

As an independent artist, what challenges have you faced in bringing your unique vision to life and reaching a wider audience? And how have you overcome those challenges? 
This digital/streaming world is a real pisser for an old school guy like me. So all of this computer shit is for the fucking birds and I fucking HATE it. Yet, here I I know I have to adapt to it somewhat, and that has been a challenge. But I guess I'm learning how to navigate a little better.

Looking ahead, what are your future plans for Are there any upcoming projects, collaborations, or live performances that fans can anticipate? 
Next in line will be getting my Short Story published that will coincide with this first album. I'm currently working on new music for my second album, and it's subsequent Short Story release. My mind is very active and hardly rests, so music and writing are my 2 greatest outlets. As far as live play goes, that will happen when everything is aligned properly.

Lastly, could you share a piece of advice or insight for aspiring musicians and artists who are looking to develop their own unique style and sound, just as you have done with
Be original. Be true to yourself. And fuck what the doubters tell you. 
"Rise Up, and Prey with Me..." 23.23

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